I have Apollo Justice on my iPhone on the emulator nds4ios and in the first case, I can't get past examining the card deck. I know I have the right hand because it is the victim's hand. When I hover the cursor over the blue card, nothing happens. The examine button doesn't appear. I am aware that there has been problems like this for other poeple using nds4ios to play this game. some people im pretty sure have solved it but when I looked it up I can't find a solution, so can any nds4ios users/experts help me? I run on iOS 9 on an iPhone 6s
I think the problem is with the gameplay here a similar problem https://forum.romulation.net/threads/apollo-justice-blue-card-examine.59006/ that i found at romu Solution : (thanks to athemoe )
I actually saw that post before I made this one and unfortunately you can't do that because you don't have that evidence yet, at least I don't for some reason.
Is this whats happening ? I found this reddit thread . This can help you. In that thread some of the users said :
Yes that's exactly what's happening. Unfortunately there's no option for this on nds4ios and I'm trying everything but the examine button isn't showing. I decided to do this however: I'm gonna download the game and an emulator on my computer, load my save via Dropbox, and do that part on my computer then save it to Dropbox and load the save on my phone. Thank you for the help though.
Yeah, that's 1 way to resolve your problem. Although,you might need to use an NDS Save File converter should the save file copy you've on the iOS not compatible with the PC emulator.
He must have copied the .sav file from his phone to pc, and play the part he couldn't using a pc emulator, before returning it back to the phone. In any case, there's an android port of this game, not sure for iOS though : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.capcom.gyakusai4en
Hey bro, I'm on iOS 9 with my iPhone 6s too, but cannot get NDS4iOS back. I follow many tutorials that look like this one https://iphonebyte.com/download-nds4ios-nintendo-ds-emulator/ They show a few methods to install this app but none of them work for me Sorry to post in this thread, but if you know please let me know. I really appreciate it.