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Anyone of the female sex?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by newstar, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    A lot of games that have women with huge proportionate breast are usually Japanese ones and that has something to do with their culture.

    Western games don't usually have that.
  2. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure there are some "westerner games" that have quite a few.
    If I know any... XP
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Lara Croft ???
  4. chanda

    chanda Member

    I hate those types of Japanese games. arrrgh >_< Imagine what they must be doing the self esteem of the girls who actually live there! It annoys me to no end. (but probably because i also am not particularly busty aha ..)

    Anywho, I'm a femme! I just recently discovered the Romulation forums lol but I've been a member for a long while now (.. off the forums, again). It's great to know that I'm not the only chick on aha, although I didn't doubt that from the beginning. Just didn't really think about it lol.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    About Japanese culture, yeah Japan is still one of those few countries where Male chauvenism is considered a major part of their belief structure. For them women are still valued as sex objects &/or just someone who takes care of the Husband, children & household. Yes it is backward thinking but it's something based on thousands of years of culture.

    Even women in Japan do their best to change this way of thinking but these "liberal" thinking women are not taken seriously by their society. There are even some laws in their country that once a woman becomes a mother she should quit her career, hence the higher paying positions only being given to men. There was even this lady who her company made as Japan's first female CEO, & everyone thought it would be the start of change, sadly it was just an unlawful stunt, soon after she was taken off her position & was sent to an even lower position. :angry:
  6. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    thats not all correct one of the developers at unorthodox creations who is japanese and is female, was orginally a director at sega. The reason for japanese female character having big breasts is due to eye candy. It has no affect on the female gender in japan.
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Ah yes... 'Unorthodox Creations' the example of everything ::)
  8. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    Yeah everything I own is an example to you all !
  9. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    Personally, fanservice is something I dislike, but I don't make too much of a fuss about.

    Feminazi's are scary.
  10. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    Well please dont play Denigrade Battle ! It errr... Well its currently in devlopment at unorthodox creations by another dev team. Its kind of well... rated M for a reason. Its mostly an action rpg but the are some certain scenes that point to fanservice.
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Boobies? I lurves teh boobies... Everybody lurves teh boobies!
  12. lapinova

    lapinova New Member

    I am most deffo a girl. My cart is full of girlie games, it's why I got a DS in the first place... PSP is great if you like shoot 'em ups, but give me a quest or a puzzle or cartoony stuff any day.
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    then play puzzle quest. lol
  14. chanda

    chanda Member

    I'm not quite sure if I believe you on this one .. Well, obviously, big breasts are eye candy, but it's kind of sad if a game needs to rely on fictional female characters carrying huge jugs to attract teenage male players. Not that I'm saying you advocate this sort of thing --you made no evidence of that.

    Do you live in Japan? Do you know whether or not this effects the female gender? I'm speaking only because I know chicks living right here in my hometown are jealous of the women portrayed on TV, in magazines, etc. The more you see that type of female being showcased, the more that type of female is made to be idolized, & the more you are criticized for not having characteristics like that of this model.
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I don't think the female characters in most games look Japanese... They look more American/English/Canadian/Australian... The girls i've seen that are Japanese are on average short and rather flat chested... The girls in games have big boobs and are tall like the ones from the four countries mentioned above, though the biggest reason that they have big boobs is plastic surgery sluts... But they are taller on average...
  16. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Is it not akin to teenage girls screaming over boybands, edward from twilight etc. ??
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's akin, very much so. Both are disgusting though.

    I'm making a huge assumption that it involves Japanese culture, albeit I do not live or have even been there, but the amount of japanese developers and hentai, and hentai games give me indication, then it is part of their culture. As much so as North American culture and the porn industry (but here it's more frowned upon then eastern countries).

    Or it's more so having an 'attractive' woman in a movie. Bam, success.
  18. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I would say it's much less sinister than the porn industry...
  19. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    To be honest its not our right to judge the japanese.
  20. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    So true. Their culture is way different than ours so I think it's normal to say that they are weird. I'm pretty sure that the japanese say we are the weird ones