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Anyone interested in the new Golden Sun game coming out in a few months?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by weaponmaster179, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member


    someones preparing a prank.
  2. Dream_CC

    Dream_CC Well-Known Member

    hey Usoppu
    is the release date on your link true? it's NEAR! Jun 1, 2010
  3. lopolativo

    lopolativo Well-Known Member


    after that link he said someones preparing a prank.
    so that cant be true :p

    as for topic
    GS2 was the best game for GBA ive ever played i dunno why anyones complaining about it
    sure it was a little hard
    took me a few days after the tridents, dragon etc (which was really quite easy!) to find out where to go on that dam boat to get to the other half of the continent
    but the challenge was the best part of it :)
    the puzzles where you use your psynergy make it more than just your average run of the mill rpg
    but more of an adventure/rpg hybrid which i love :)
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I dunno,I got sick of the sea encounters.
    And I don't have a freaking clue what I'm suppose to do =3=
    And reaching Poseidon(I think that's his name) on a lagging emulator was hell enough for me. :(
  5. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    the only "bad" (not that bad) was the sea, for without help the trident was hard to get
  6. Saiko

    Saiko Well-Known Member

    I LOVE GOLDEN SUN! I can't stand waiting for this... Argh. Very, very interested. ;]
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    yep, not true.
    It was april 1st (april fools) when I saw it last, thats why i said prank.

    Same here, I don’t get why some criticize the 2nd so much. It was exactly what I wanted and expected it to be, plus more.

    As you say, the pysenergy brought unique and interesting puzzle aspects to play, not only in dungeons either, even the nonessential stuff like 'mind reader' brought a nice touch.

    Golden sun rulez.
  8. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I loved the mind reader psynergy! I would go back to all the towns just to see what each person thought.

    yes golden sun rules! OHH I'm getting that nergasm again!
  9. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Same here :)
  10. seriaku

    seriaku Well-Known Member

    Very much so.
  11. Dream_CC

    Dream_CC Well-Known Member

    me too! anyone know the real release date?
  12. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Sorry to say but there still isn't one.
  13. Dream_CC

    Dream_CC Well-Known Member

    aaahhh that's too bad, why do they keep a secret about the release date? so unfair
  14. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Well I guess we will just have to wait.
    Well until it's released we get to play it.
    Hopefully the game turns out awesome.
  15. Dream_CC

    Dream_CC Well-Known Member

    yeahh it's golden sun! we can expect much haha
    really hope so
  16. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    With our big expectations.
    Well it says TBA 2010 so it could come out near the end of the year.
    Hopefully not.
    I wouldn't mind if it came out during around June, July.
    Because I'm sure some new DS games coming out will keep me occupied.
  17. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    remember to buy the real game if its good for support(the camelot and Nintendo sees how good its selling and will probably make a new a new one to follow
  18. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you 100 percent! but I highly daubt anyone here is gonna buy the games and will probably ignore our posts and let us the buy it instead... unfortunately if the game does not meet Nintendo and camelot's expectation's in sales they might not even make a sequel or even think about making a future title for wii or any platform...

    Chrono Trigger 2 Anyone? exactly! now I hope you guys are true golden sun fans... because it's been seven freaking years since the last game and Nintendo and camelot WILL be paying close attention to the sales of Golden Sun DS.

    I'm buying Golden Sun DS because unlike many people... I do want to see a sequel and future titles and not see this as the next chrono trigger game burried in the past because of poor sales.

    if your a fan of the games and have the money, buy it! simple as that.
  19. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    there was somethin about that Nindendo and camelot are really taking a close look at the future sales of this game
  20. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    You know what they should have done? they kinda screwed up thoe... they should have used Isaac or any golden sun Charecters playable in Smashbros brawl. This way the charecter would have sparked peoples interest in the game such as they did with fire emblem and ness.. to be honest I only played Earthbound and Fire emblem because they we're playable in the smashbros games.