I have looked through the forum and i did not see any threads on gundam modelling. So, does anyone here do gundam modelling?
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? the only modeling close to a Gundam I did was this Transformers, it's already constructed in car shape, but you have to change it to Transformer shape
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? ...do those snap kits count? I focus on the 1/144 scale models. HG grade looks the best-especially the wing gundam one's. But I have one master grade-the "master' gundam...dam screws. Only got an arm and leg done in...almost a year. The screw driver is always in use by other people hence why he isn't done.
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? The wing gundam isn't that bad, have you tried the 00 series? They are good
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? I got into gundam thru the wing series...besides, they are cheaper to buy
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? Yeah well, they are cheaper, but they are harder to find nowadays, and besides, the quality isn't as good as the 00 series. But that's just my opinion
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? My "gundam death sythe hell custom" broke It's shoulder is gone-if I move it just a hint it falls of...and can't be fixed. BUT I still like this series But they are hard tovget yes-wanting "wing gundam" for awhile-never got one...yet.
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? Not an expert on it, but I used to make those small versions of them, like Destiny Gundam and Wing Gundam, Deathscythe, and whatnot. Painting them were hard, and that's all I remember from my past with modelling Gundams.
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? I managed to get a wing gundam zero custom the other day after much difficulty
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? I'd kill you to get that... And normally I don't say things like that-that's how badly I wanted it Lucky man...where from may I ask?
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? From a hobby shop in my country Yeah, not to mention expensive, the paints are very expensive
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? I visited a local toy shop today, and had a huge section dedicated to Gundam models. Of all sizes, it was cool. They had like 50 different Wing Gundam Customs (as in, sizes) and it was pretty awesome.
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? Well thats pretty cool, but i usually get my stuff from hobby shops where i get those Gundam markers as well
Re: Anyone here does Guindam scale modelling? I absolutely love models that you can make your self. I'm not on for gundam, but does anyone know where I can buy these in sydney, and at what price ?
I've always wanted to try,but there kinda expensive,and I don't know if you hand-paint them or not cause I suck at painting.And what do those grades mean(HD,Master,etc)?Maybe someone can give me some more info.
HG is the high grade, 1/144 or 1/100. Means better posing ability and stuff like that. Those without grades are commonly known as NG, no grade, which means lesser pose ability or limited. MG is master grade being 1/100, from the name itself, u would already it is better in posing ability and stuff xD. MG usually cost a lot. And finally we have the PG, perfect grade. PGs cost the most, being 1/60 scale and of course, the posing is way much more better. And the cost is very expensive.
Thanks for the info.Do you guys like paint the whole model by yourself?Or are they some that are pre-painted?
They are pre-painted to some extent... Then you would have to do the rest yourself, eg. Detailing, etc