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Any lucid dreamers here?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mikeac, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Well, tonight's lucid dreaming night. Time to fuck with my subconscious.
  2. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    there's no guarantee you'll get it on your first try (if it is your first try). if it is well I did some reading and some guy made this thing called the novadreamer which trains you to lucid dream but you're not going to spend 200$ on that thing so just stick with remembering your dreams everyday. it trains your brain to help you get lucid dreams
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    I've been lucid dreaming before some of you were born. Learning to control it takes time, as you actually can dictate what happens in the dreams. Try converging dreams, a rare occurrence. When someone elses dream bleeds into yours.

    It's happened to me a total of three times in 30 yrs.
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Yes I lucid dream mostly.

    Mostly my dreams sorta "restart" when I'm half-awake in the morning, then I'm aware that I'm dreaming.

    It's pretty cool how you can control your dreams.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Been there before. The problems I had this time was maintaining the sleep while staying aware. Couple of false starts before I spent about an hour and a half realtime in there.
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I turned a goblin into a loli which turned into an imp which i then turned into a girl which then turned into a troll. MY DREAMS ARE FIGHTING BACK.
  7. Cookino

    Cookino Well-Known Member

    I have been looking on that forum about lucid dreaming, and I found out about dream sharing...and being able to share dreams with many people, even from other universes...wow.
  8. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Dream sharing sounds awesome. Ima try it.

    Wow Cahos, you and Loony really got it lucky. To be able to do lucid dreams naturally, you have to have sense of constant awareness. And you achieved it without ever doing any training. I personally am trying to train myself in the awareness arts.

    I have been dreaming in full color since I was a toddler (yes I have excellent recall). I have been able to control my dreams easily before puberty, but now my dreams seem hard to control now. I rarely dream in third person unless I want to. I nightmare sequences pretty much everywhere in my dream that is as dark or darker than a shadow. In my dreams, time and location is distorted.

    PS to all these lucid sex/masturbation enthusiasts, when you get too excited in a dream you will wake up. I personally haven't tried it (I'm underage).

    Currently I have been having a lucid and dream recall dry spell. Maybe because I'm going through a growth spurt.
  9. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    I can't even remember my dreams as soon as I wake up, never-mind being able to control them...
    Actually, I'm not sure If I dream at all...

    Would be cool though, I think I'll try out those steps on wikiHow...

    [quote author=wikiHow]
    Remove all mind-stimulating electronic devices from your bedroom

  10. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    You dream, but you don't remember them.

  11. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    hmmm...i had a GREAT dream ::) (i didn't wake up when getting overexcited either ::) )
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Banned? Like a hair band? Or a rock band?

    If you can control your subconscious, which some say you can't, then you can somewhat level out in your dreams. Think symbolism when you dream, and it all makes a bit more sense.
  13. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member


    The subconscious is basically your conscious but more advanced and reasonable, and it is active during dreams and meditation. Symbolism is pretty much what the subconscious does to interact with your conscious, other than automatic writing.
  14. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Your subconsciousness is always absorbing anything around you, it never stops taking in information, nor does it ever fill up. As you dream, your cognitive process trys to mesh out issues, thus triggering your subconsciousness to kick in. You're right about the effect of it being symbolical, but your subconscious is by far not always reasonable in determinate the best way to resolve an issue.
    Thus why your conscious mind and subconscious sometimes go to war.
    Read Galatians, the spirit and flesh are always at war. That will often bleed over into your dreams.
  15. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    So, your subconscious can 'fight' with your conscious? So, based on what you said there, what can happen when that happens? Is there a 'winner' or a 'loser'?
  16. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    It's reasoning gone wrong. One at times is rational, the other unstable and irrational.
    Thus why our dreams can be simple, or vividly complex. If they start to scarp, then you're in the middle.
    Like a thunderstorm, when a cold front moves into a hot front. You still maintain control though, and through it all focusing and remembering it IS nothing but a dream. I used to sleep a good 8-10 hours, and wake up exhausted. I had a lot of nightmares/sleep terrors. At times, I still do, but now I have learned some 'restraint' in how my dreams would go.
    A few nights ago, I was in a nice field, someone took aim on me with a rifle. Back in the day, I would have either woke up, or been shot. But now, now I took cover and when I looked in my hand, I had an AK-47.
  17. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I see now. So... when you are sleeping, the brain that uses simple logic during the day (aka conscious) limits its usage, so your sub.c pretty much takes over. And by scarp, do you mean slope?

    Since I tried lucid dreaming, I have had two lucid nightmares. Before, I just wake myself up when I have a nightmare, or simply wait it out, but now I try to stop it.
  18. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    When I said 'scrap' I meant fight, scrap is a term some of use for fighting. The sub and normal consciousness are tethered together, much like night is to day. Darkness is nothing but absence of light. Your subconsciousness isn't tethered by boundaries we have here. Your consciousness goes offline for a bit, but it relays information to your subconsciousness(think like a telephone), your subconsciousness then tries to rationalize what the consciousness wants to solve, be it problem, or a passing though. Thus why you even have deja vu. The subconsciousness never takes time off, like a computer that's been on all day, it absorbed all information, even info you didn't think you picked up. As you enter into NREM and later REM sleep, it floods your mind with various images and thought process. This would be considered 'dreaming'.
  19. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    yes, but you typo'd and said "scarp" not "scrap" :p anyways, i had another lucid dream >.> dreamed i shot me neighbors >.>
  20. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Do sexual fantasies count as lucid dreams? Cause you ALWAYS know those are fake XD