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Annoying Ads!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by doughboy, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    You obviously have too much time on your hands. Why not go out and get a life?
  2. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    :D I have a life, Sunday is my complete day off, you guys have made it into a big argument.
    Sure I said he was a douche, but he thinks hes always right so, here we are.
    While I am typing this, I am:
    -typing an essay for my class
    -playing some games
    -trying some new games on my psp
    -fixing another computer
    it is called multitasking...I do it slowly so I don't over-stress myself. 8)
    I am actually going out later with some friends and then, over with family members, so I do have a life (I do not stare at my monitor the whole day)
    It is an argument between us, so I would suggest you don't say anything unless its about the topic at hand.
    Hooray, a new enemy... ;)
  3. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Putting words into my mouth, thatonemexicanguy? That's not what I said at all. Why don't you spend your extra time that you have on your hands to improve your reading comprehension skills?

    This is coming from a moron who plays with internet ads, thus flirts with the possibilities of being infected with trojans and spyware...

    The average tech guy is also useless. In fact, most of the computer tech guys are useless. They only make money off of people who are totally inept with computers.
  4. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I particulary don't click in those ads, most are viruses, if they aren't, well I dunno and don't want to.
    I prefeer to have my machine intact, preventing to format it, I'm not a formating whore, have to format all thetime reflects on the PC's administrator's common sense, I have some clients that have some issues and need to format in short time. Why?
    Cause they didn't listened me to not do this and that, so as they ignored, they get viruses of all kind.
    Bad for they good for me that earn some money, but still so, people gotta take more care of their PC, it's not just assembly, install the OS and upgrades, get a antivirus and a anty spyware, go cliking in ads, downloading stuff like hell.
    The antivirus and antspyware don't work alone, gotta have the most important thing:
    The Administrator's brain/common sense.
    The begining of this year I formated to change from XP to Seven, now this Week I will do it again, but I'll do it cause I gonna change hardware, as the motherboard, processor and ram memory, I've never formated my PC cuz viruses.
    And you thatonemexicanguy, seems to take things on the heart, why make enemies in the net?
    Cuz someone post some facts, which I'm to, cuz as said, not everyone has the luxury of having more than one PC and the time to test programs in the "guinea pig", neither time if in any case you mind on using virtual PC, you call Hypr an paranoic about being afraid of ads? I call him smart and that have common sense.
  5. basho1213

    basho1213 Well-Known Member

    the ad is annoying but i dont know any man who wouldnt bend over the girl from wheel.. mmmm.
  6. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    I agree with some of the things your saying, such as the people not taking proper care of their computer.
    For example: I had fixed my friends pc and installed an antivirus, the whole point of it is to protect it.
    Well the next day I catch him going into a (random) porn site, well what do you know, he sees the antivirus mall-ware, noticed but chooses to proceed. I do not do it for free either . I said, "what the hell I just fixed it and your messing with it".
    There is a limit to the safety features, and choices you should make, and that's where the problem is.
    Make the best choices concerning your mental ability or affordability.
    I would have to go check, what started this rivalry between me and Hypr. (don't remember at the time though)
    The only PC I format constantly (maybe once a every 2 weeks) is "the guinea pig" for obvious reasons.
    With the other two I watch myself online (or put up a pop-up blocker when needed [torrent sites])
    Bowman 2 is a well known pop-up flash game which I get sometimes, so I know that is safe.
    (Doubt the anyone is trying to steal my data, luring me with Bowman 2, and if they are than what the hey, new profile) :p
    Yes, the main problem is time (which can be solved) and luxury (which can also be solved, of having the proper equipment)
    They are here on the net, why not ask around for help on installing a new system. (It is free)
    "Hey, I don't think I'm that bad of a guy, Hypr wants to call it a truce, im up for that."
    But as stated before he is rarely wrong, which makes it impossible to reason/compromise with him)
    see my dilemma Chris Redfield?
    He seems to be, too overly-safe, when he knows how to install a new system or antivirus or pop-up blocker as stated, that is my response about Hypr.

    They rather hire cause thats they're only choice, create a blog about computer safety thats my point, rather than bash on everybody who likes some ads.
    (they're level of understanding about cpu's is minimal), when the cpu messes up.
    I do not flirt with the ads or viruses, look at the above message to CR.
  7. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I see what you mean and agree in some acts too, either I have a "guinea pig", a weak PC, good for us that aquire knowledge on how to act when a virus come up and thing. BUt here, these are people that hteir main and only PC is the same or even weaker than our so called guinea pigs.
    I got clients that have a Pentium 4, even P3, hell, they don't have money for best hardware I understand.
    For the software, sure don't need to pay, just get a freeware or crack the shareware version.
    I not taking sides, but really, I suggest you guys made a truce and stop this bullshit, cuz fight just cuz this isn't such a great idea, I see both you are intelligent, more inteligent to fight just cause this.
  8. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    I know right...
    ...ads all over YouTube and many sites that I go on have a crap load of ads that are REALLY ANNOYING as HELL!
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The people have to earn money somehow.
  10. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    HAhahahaha true that xD
    Either taking trash, making viruses, thefting, working in the office, all the way...just foe tha love of money xD
  11. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Ad-Block on Firefox, I thought some sites actually blocked the browser if it knew it was running?....

    I'm asking this questions towards Hypr.

    I have AVG anti-virus, anti-malwarebyte's anti-malware program and use firefox....anything you suggest...
  12. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    thanks for your input CR, and as stated before I would be willing to make a truce, I'm not sure what he would have to say to that though.
  13. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    What you have so far is good, especially with Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware program. But if you want a top-notch anti-virus program to replace AVG, I would strongly recommend Kaspersky Anti-Virus (or Kaspersky Internet Security if you want the firewall as well.)

    Usually, Kaspersky Anti-Virus is sold with a rebate deal (at least here in the United States), so look out for the rebate deals in the electronics ads in the local newspapers. And what's really nice about Kaspersky rebate deals is that you get most (if not, all) of the full retail price back. Which is overall a very good deal!

    By the way, you use MalwareByte's Anti-Malware Protection feature that runs in the background, right?
  14. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice and it's dutifully noted. Also, I have Ad-Block Plus on my Firefox is that good enough? I saw something new about the Page Tweaks thing but, since I'm more familiar with Ad-Block Plus I chose to go with it again.
  15. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    If you don't wanna pay for Karpersky, you can change the values in regedit, just check for some videos in youtube, can put a long time license, a guy put more than thousands years of use xD
  16. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Oh wow...a bit drastic don't you think?
  17. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Geeah but this is just for fun, to kinda laugh on the developers like "hey we can have it for free sucker"
    Same I do with windows 7, however, when I installed it, there wasn't activators there, so I changed values in the Regedit, now I go to microsoft to validate and they say I own an autentic software.
  18. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Get NoScript for Firefox as well. After you install NoScript, some of the dynamic websites, such as YouTube, may act funny until you allow those websites to run on your browser. You just need to click on the "S" icon on the bottom-right of your browser to allow that website to run its dynamic content.

    Pretty much, the safe way to using NoScript is this. Let's suppose you want to browse Facebook. So you go on to Facebook on your Firefox browser. Then, if you go to the "S" icon on the bottom-right of your browser, a menu will appear with the option to "Allow facebook.com". Click on that option only, and all of Facebook's dynamic content will run on the browser (as long as it is originated from that domain only.)

    NoScript prevents any web script from running on your browser until you give it permission to do so. It is a good way to block malicious scripts that other websites might link to which can cause harm to your web browser, as well as your privacy.
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    flashblock is good as well, it blocks all flash until you explicitly allow it.
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Is that an add-on for Firefox as well, I can only assume?