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All us oldies but Goodies

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ryoslide, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. Ryoslide

    Ryoslide Well-Known Member

    Good old contra, they were all pretty good games. I remember many nights spent trying to beat Contra. Then when the 30 life code was released it was still fun to beat. If I'm correct the hard thing about contra was you shared all the extra lives.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That is what me and my farther used originally.

    It was still a challenge with that code on-we kept stealing each other's lives-mostly me-too scared to watch what he does on his own XD

    I can beat that on my own now...barly...without the code...

    contra 4 on ds is preety tough as well-I can beat normal without dying once-but on hard I can't beat the first level without losing 5 lives..

    A worthy challenge.
  3. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Ah yes the infamous "Konami Code" I remember using it quite often, I even did a search on it and I was surprised how many games it actually worked on of course there were varients but still it was pretty cool. Click.

    speaking of cheats I remember playing Double Dragon II on NES and set it to 2 player game B where you could "damage" each other the cool thing was you start out with I think 5 men and then you beat the hell out of the 2nd player and each time you killed him you gained his men so you actually start with 10 men.
  4. Ryoslide

    Ryoslide Well-Known Member

    Anyone play Jakal...I think thats what it was called. With the 2 jeeps and the gun on the back. I remember renting that game so many times.
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I remember my very first first NES rentals was Legend of Zelda and TigerHeli, my first purchase was Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

    Yup, I still have the cartridge.

    This is my ultimate favorite NES game I own.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I still have my probotector (contra-pal version) cartridge.

    Dad threw out the box though :(

    I also have the other...20 NES carts, supermario/duck hunt combo is another that I loved...

    Especially the original shadow warriors games (ninja gaiden in pal region) :)
  7. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I've got mario/duckhunt combo and mario/duck hunt/track and field combo carts too.

    Shadow Warriors...well learn something every day I assumed all the Ninja Gaiden games kept the same title all over, got all 3 Ninja Gaiden games too ;)

    total cart count is somewhere in the 100+
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Pal region uses different names...something about the germans disliking violence or something back then...

    Oh-I only have 1 and 2 of "shadow warriors" aka ninja gaiden :(

    The 3rd one was never released here apparently-I got number 2 before 1...I got that when the snes days were almost up.
  9. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    Thanks for this. Even got the walkthroughs too. Misplaced the Return to Zork CD because it's been so long since I played it. Bought the guide book on ebay too.
  10. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    yeah, we only had "Probotector" here in Germany. The same as Contra, but figthing with a Robot instad of a Human Soldier. Bulls**t. The same with the the "Command & Conquer" Series, they turned all Units into Androids (even the Cutscenes were cutted - Adolf Hitler in "Command & Conquer II Red Alert" never appeared in the German Version - hell if I know why...).

    I would like to know if you >Oldies< also grab an Emu from time to time (C64,Spectrum,Amiga whatever) to bring back the good old Times. ;) Since my C64 is stored in my Cellar I use CCS64 & WinVice to play "Master of Magic" , "Rescue on Fractalus", "Forbidden Forest" and all those Games that I`ve grown up with. ;D
  11. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I kick up some old school RPGs from time to time like Ultima, Might and Magic, and Wizardry even some Advance Dungeons & Dragons Pools of Radiance series (Pool of Radiance,Curse of the Azure Bonds,Secret of the Silver Blades and Pools of Darkness) belive it or not I still have the originals of those on 5.25" floppys LOL plus the Dragonlance series Champions of Krynn,Death Knights of Krynn and The Dark Queen of Krynn.

    Reference pic
  12. Ryoslide

    Ryoslide Well-Known Member

    I love the old D&D games, my brother and I stayed up many a night infront of the old petium 100. lol. We never got into dragonlance ones. I did play Eye of the beholder and stronghold. I had quite a few games on 5.25" disks. I had this cool martial arts game called Winwalker, I had Rastan, Some space quests and kings quests. Oh and of course a liesure suit larry lol....

    I'm just realizing how much I miss those old games lol. I guess I also miss roleplaying games with the old dice and paper to. Gosh I should look into that again.
  13. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    I'm 29 and started off with an Atari then my brothers Spectrum 128k, my Mum then got me a Commodore 16 with loads of games from a neighbour for £15! After that I had a Spectrum 128k+2a '007 Living Daylights package'.

    Also, Master System, Megadrive etc
  14. pinak

    pinak Member

    Not an oldie ( unless 12 counts ... ) , but I LOVE retro games. Although I've NEVER owned an NES, SNES, Genesis, Atari, etc., I do own an Apple IIe, Macintosh Plus, and lots of emulators ... lots of them ... Oh off-topic, but is there a place I can download every NES game ever made ? NO torrents, I hate torrent-ing ... Oh and Happy 1-Day After Halloween !
  15. Ryoslide

    Ryoslide Well-Known Member

    Other than torrents I haven't been able to find full libraries of games for free mind you? There are a few sites that supply a full rom dump but want $$$ so IMO torrents is pretty much your best bet
  16. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    RomU has a retro game section in the Downloads https://www.romulation.org/Retro/NES/
    and they shouldn't cost any points if they do it won't be much.
  17. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    that`s cool. Never met anyone at your Age who is interested insomuch of Retro-Gaming. Most of them (at your age) are totally focused on awesome graphics n` stuff like that. Being "Retro" would mean: in 20 years they pick up an old PS2-Game they`ve played, to become a nostalgic flash of their own "Good old Times". :) This is what your Generation`s calling "Retro" in the future I guess.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's because of the German censorship, I think it's against the law in Germany for Nazi propaganda outside of historical context and to show cruel acts of violence against humans or glorifying violence.
  19. Ryoslide

    Ryoslide Well-Known Member

    Wewt I just bought a second Sega Dreamcast for 75$. Fully works and plays burnt games out of the box. As sega used some generic cd players in a set number of months that play copied games right of the assembly line Cool Beans. Now I'll have 2 and not feel bad about playing it all the time.
  20. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you`re right. But it`s getting too much of a censorship sometimes. Like this cutscene in C&C Red Alert: Albert Einstein was travelling back in Time to kill Adolf Hitler (so the whole Time collapsed and History got changed) - so no Nazi-propaganda at all. It was the opposite of it. And this scene of Hitlers death wasn`t cruel, brutal - not even close. Just the fact that Hitler appeared in this cutscene was enough to cut it out for the German Gamers.

    Vilence in Games is a huge problem in our Country. They`re cutting like hell. But if it`s come to sexual things they`re doing nothing for the European releases- we`re a not even close to do it like the American way (some boobs are enough to cut scenes)
    Post Merge: [time]1257268633[/time]
    I only have some Dreamcast-Emus on my PC, but haven`t tried it yet. The Dreamcast wasn`t very popular, was it? Lost the battle as it fought against the Playstation 1 in the mid-90`s. But I guess there are some real Goodies on this console, so I wanna try the Emulation sometimes.