Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. At present, the International community has been unable to formulate a universally agreed, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal, and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians).
Sounds like this Alex guy is highly anti-right in terms of politics to the point where some ridiculous statements are made. Yeah, our governments lie and manipulate on a regular basis. Yeah, politicians are in the payment of large corporations to prevent harmful (in terms of harming operations) legislation. Yeah, a lot of media is right-wing and coersive due to its ties to social and business conservatism. No, I don't believe the American government did 9/11. The Jews did.
Lol I'm slow, was that a joke? Seriously though, do you believe the Al-Quada was working alone, or did they recieve a little help from the government, which one you think?
"All great truths begin as blasphemies." And common knowledge is mostly media driven. And media is controlled by the government in direct or indirect ways. Speaking of 9/11, some engineers state that both WTC towers were able to stand about two plane crashes without falling. And there was also the other WTC fire that coincidentally happened to be the place were FBI store their archives. The same government some people firecifully defend is the same one that sent their own soldiers to a battle they couldn't win. Not trying to be anti-government and stuff, but government laws are intricate and misterious and most people don't even know how they work.
Media isn't controlled by the government in the States. The government and the media are, however, controlled by the same people. And to be blunt, the WTC didn't need planted explosives to collapse. The amount of sheer kinetic energy as well as the heat would have been more than sufficient to weaken the structure to that degree. Consider that the plane was moving at incredibly high speeds while carrying a load of jet fuel. The impact from the plane's collision with the structure mixed with the explosion and heat from the burning jet fuel would easily have caused a collapse.
so you may think but the media lies for the government, and guess what else? instead of we the people its the other way around. the us has changed over the years no thanks to the fed, we got rid of them once we should again.
Some photos show diagonal cuts on the metal structure similar to what you see on buildings took down by professional demolishers using explosives. Also, the building imploded, as opposed to fall on it's side, so there's no kinect force working in there. Since the plane was crashing on the building at 990 Km/h(the usual plane speed), there was enough push to make the building fall as opposed to imploding like it was exploded from the insides. Skyscrapers and tall buildings have higher gravity centers. Redoing my statement. Companies run down the government everywere, not the government itself.
I watched a documentary on the 9/11 conspiracy and for every theory they tested things and proved it false. For example, they reckoned the steelwork was strong enough to withstand aviation fuel on fire but when tested it collapsed in a couple of minutes.
Hey you guys, this isn't a debate upon weather or not 9/11 was an inside job(which it was) it's about Alex Jones and his sanity.