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Al-Qaida calls on US Extremist Muslims to attack America

Discussion in 'General News' started by timmy1991, Mar 7, 2010.

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  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    if the troops come home al quaeda will claim victory over the western superpowers, more will join the cause, terrorism will rise and you can guess the rest.
    just give the army what they need, more men, more equipment and put it to bed once and for all.
    some politician is gonna get in power by promising to bring the troops home and save lives, people who dont understand and just jump on the bandwagon because someone in their city died and it made the news will vote in their millions and its not gonna end well
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    you're missing the point. The British army have NO reason to be there. They're there because tony blair was cosying up to george bush. they're underfunded, grossly underequipped and getting killed for no reason other than politics. They are not there in defence of british interests, which is the army's job.
  3. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    Yep, the english are only there for one reason... they sooo blind enough to follow the americans.
    In a war than only brings casualty's. :s
  4. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    they dont care about casualty!!! it comes down to simple things like corruption and things like this
  5. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    Yea, like I said before weapon Industry -> far to much money involved :-\.
    You don't know how much we don't know...
  6. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    Well the first one i would blame would be BUSH!!!!! but then again Obama hasnt done anything except he's all talk!!
  7. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    You know... A president is just a puppet they use...
    you don't think Obama adjusted for exemple: the health care?

    they handle evrything behind doors.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    to be honest....i dont care anymore.
    im no longer in the army and neither is my brother, terrorists have no reason to attack Hull so who cares?
    the worst im ever going to get is sick of seeing the same thing on the news for 6 weeks when al queda do something else.
    politics is a big part of it but it is in any war. why did we declare war on germany? they never invaded us. its about national security and looking after friendly countries that we rely on for our economy
  9. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    Don't compare the second world war with wars that happen ever that...
    that's a horrible mistake, Because what they did with the holocaust, they are no decent words for it :(
  10. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    ok then, the great war. same thing.
    oh and we never knew about the holocaust when we declared war on germany
  11. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    watch documentary's...
    they knew it. but they just denied what they heard...

    first world war: americans came into the first world war0 after some of there ships got attacked + germany wanted to involve mexico into the war.
  12. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    so that will be national security then?
    and in ww2 did anyone go to war because jews were getting killed? no
  13. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    No, You got a point there. there still some difference between 'national' Security. then playing a cowboy somewhere else.

    and about those jews, like always gouverment knew about it. but wouldn't tell the big 'audience"
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    WWII was stopping hitler taking over the world. You can't say that iraq or afghanistan were to counter an imminant threat, because they weren't, and you can't say it was to uphold alliances because it wasn't that either. Britain had no cause to become involved in either of them, but because blair was bush's poodle he agreed to everything his master said. The Queen vetoed the invasion of Iraq, and she has final say on troop deployments. Blair (Bliar), went ahead and committed British troops anyway, an action which can only have one name: Treason. Conveniently, he had abolished the treason act as soon as he came to power.
  15. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    U use the exact words, he was and he is still a poodle of the americans. just a domestic animal.
    You give it orders, it will be executed with no free will.
  16. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    i dont believe they knew the extent of the holocaust and the camps. sure they knew jews were been sent there but they didnt know what was happening. If they knew it would have been the perfect propaganda tool. you name any politician in any time that wouldnt have used that and i will concede the argument.
    todays war is the same as any other, were looking out for the welfare of our country.
  17. Steurske

    Steurske Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    Yea, 'Welfare'. you don't know how many people makes veeery big money with the death of others...
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    just forget 9/11 and the attacks on london, forget saddam hussain using chemical weapons against the kurdish and murdering women and children and invading kuwait(holocaust?), forget everything al quaeda have done and the threat they pose. just because this is in your time and your witnessing it doesnt make it any different.
    people are brainwashed by years of films of allied heroes freeing europe from the evil nazi murderers! and documentarys made in your country that only tells 1 side of the story, theres 3 sides to every story, theres each sides version and then theres the truth. how quickly people forget the bad things when some public figure says stop the dying, were only there for america and oil!
    Look at every angle before you jump on the bandwagon

    Post Merge: [time]1268079495[/time]
    oh and 1 more thing. todays media dont just tell us the news like they did in the past they are out to make money. they play the sympathy vote, they try making politicians look like liars, they try EVERYTHING to sell papers and make money, if you believe any of that crap you need your head examaining
  19. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    Osama bin Laden's in Afghanistan, right? But for the longest time we were in Iraq.

    Bah. War, war, war. People just love killing other people so much, don't they? If not for the whole "You're ending the lives of others, isn't that bad?" argument, you would think people would get bored of genocide and mass murder all ready. But I suppose big explosions never grow old, can they?

    >.> Geneva Conventions?
  20. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Re: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

    [quote author=MessoMesso]
    Osama bin Laden's in Afghanistan, right?
    Al Qaeda operations are now centered in Yemen I believe. Thats the problem with this 'war', there are no generals to outsmart, no trade routes to control. Take down Bin Laden and some other rich kid playing soldiers will step up preaching about paradise and Allah's will, and nobody is going to question the specifics before signing up for their 10,000 virgins.
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