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Agxthesorrow Portfolio. as asked by Littlekill. My ounstandings works...

Discussion in 'Portfolios' started by agxthesorrow, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    Mr. littlekill i don't consider myself an artist... and all those drawings you have seen so far, are impossible for my dad to draw them... he just know to draw a head an the four limns with lines anyway. it you want to take my job so do it. god knows that i don't intention on to sell them nor showing them on art's expo's. i just want to get congratulated or destroyed (if you want to destroy me) by all this users comments...
  2. knightof3

    knightof3 Well-Known Member

    :O you rock. im more a music person and am artistically challenged at drawing
  3. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Nothing makes sense anymore, it's like watching Lost.
  4. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    Actually i was thinking about it these days... some guy told me to draw an apocalyptic zombie outbreak... the problem is that right now i don't have time to draw... my last work was that spider-man you see there. however you can gave me some ideas for do something... try and i will take notice.
    Post Merge: [time]1270088669[/time]
    and why is that???
  5. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Well you posted art from at least two other people, then claimed it was a mistake. Not to mention that most of the drawings look like they're from different artists, the only common ground is a lack of a signature. You claim to have works signed with your username, but you're to busy to upload them yet you have time to casually browse on the internet. Then there was mention of your dad, but wasnt he dead last series. I better not wake up in Tunisia...

    See? Just like Lost.

    PS. What happened to the dog?
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    So far, you still haven't proven to me that these are your works of art. The fact that you claimed work that was not your own puts your whole character in question. If you stole art from one or two people that we know of, how do we know that you didn't do that for the rest of them?

    The fact that you make excuses as to why you can't draw another pretty much proves to me that you BSed the rest as well. The styles don't even match and it looks like you just went on deviantART and found some pictures that people wouldn't miss and posted them as your own. Unless you can prove to me that you genuinely drew those, then I might as well not take anything that you say seriously. Draw a simple line sketch of the Spidey picture you have. That shouldn't take too much time. If you refuse, then I'll just assume that you took that too and throw your credibility out the window.
  7. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    well if i going to stole something on DevianART just google it and you will take notice... those drawings are on my devianART account and dude about the time. i live in venezuela the time between here and the u.s is certainly different. how can you claim that i'm not busy not knowing what i do. y si quieres daber como soy fluente en ambos idiomas, español y ingles te puedo decir que he estudiado lo suficiente para hacerlo amigo y acerca de mi arte es totalmente mia, no he robado nada a nadie y nada hago peleando con ustedes por eso... now try to translate that without using google translator... know your facts and then i will accept a complain by you.
    Post Merge: [time]1270093142[/time]
    well if i going to stole something on DevianART just google it and you will take notice... those drawings are on my devianART account and dude about the time. i live in venezuela the time between here and the u.s is certainly different. how can you claim that i'm not busy not knowing what i do. y si quieres daber como soy fluente en ambos idiomas, español y ingles te puedo decir que he estudiado lo suficiente para hacerlo amigo y acerca de mi arte es totalmente mia, no he robado nada a nadie y nada hago peleando con ustedes por eso... now try to translate that without using google translator... know your facts and then i will accept a complain by you. the same goes for you pal... about the dog i explained it was a dog from artist ms linda huber... i never claimed them to be mine.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    ...Something about how you're both fluent in both Spanish and English and "I" (meaning you in this case) can tell you that I have studied enough, something something and that your art is totally yours and that you haven't stolen anything from anyone (which I call bullshit on that MGS one, we clearly saw the fudged corner where the signature was)...blah blah blah.

    I'm a little rusty on my spanish but I covered the gist of it.
    "Hable ingles por favor. Se habla ingles en este foro."

    Am I speaking your language now?
    For the record, this has NOTHING to do with knowing "my" facts. Whether I understood what you said in Spanish or not does not matter. The fudged corner on the Solid Snake picture is enough proof for me that you stole it and credited yourself for that work. If you can't call that incriminating evidence then I don't know what else to tell you.

    And anyway, I was providing a method to prove to all of us that you aren't a thief by having you draw the Spiderman picture again, but with way less detail because you're so caught up in your busy life to do a SIMPLE SKETCH.
  9. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    i have nothing to show you... dude just who are you anyway to have the guts to claim that to my persona... you can talk crap about me whatever you want... i just don't mind. lalalalalalala. the only persons who i have to explain and show stuff is my family not a loser like you are. anyway god bless you and mostly your family on all aspects!
  10. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    lol agx you seem to have a little trouble XD ...don't worry I believe you..nice works :)
  11. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member


  12. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    On your next work, you could stream bits of it as you work(ustream works), just leave the chat box to slow mode, as there will be trolls.
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    God forbid that taking a simple photo would take hours to do.
  14. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    thx you for the comments..
  15. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Those are the most awesome drawings I ever saw. One is kinda porno, but whatever. Still awesome.
  16. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    Thanks A lot Mikeac!
  17. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    No problem. Don't listen to those haters that think you stole these drawings.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Then why doesn't he supply evidence to prove otherwise? If he wanted to prove to us that he's a legitimate artist then he would do so, but he hasn't. He hasn't even posted a photo with his username beside one or anything. If he's able to take the time to post 'his' work online or respond to posts, then he has the time to prove that he's the one who made these.

    And plus, why would someone put up another person's work in their portfolio, it doesn't make sense.

    I'm not saying that he didn't make them or did make them, there's nothing to suggest either besides that he's put them up on the site.
  19. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Agxthesorrow you shall be GOD.
  20. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    What baffles me is why the hell would he put up works of other people without giving credit where credit is due? That is just asking to be slammed by everyone for the accusations. Do you know what would happen if I were to turn in a term paper without any of my references cited? I'd be kicked out of college for plagiarism, and it would go on my permanent record so that every college I'd be applying to would know what I did.

    What is even more incriminating was the fact that on one of the pictures (the Spiderman one), the signature was clearly MSPainted out. What other motive, other than attempting to pass this work off as his own would he have for doing such a thing? If it were truly his, he wouldn't have any motive to cover up his own signature...

    Based on this evidence, and this evidence alone, I would assume the rest is stolen as well, because why would someone go to the lengths of just stealing ONE picture, when he has access to everything? Why would he create a few good pictures, and then steal a few? Why not just steal all of them? Also note that there is a clear difference in style between one picture and another.

    Unless someone can disprove all of my points, I still stand by my original accusation from forever ago.