Well, a fuel cell does use a catalyst to form the water (Platinum, I believe). In the case of using electricity you can use it to form water as well (or tear it apart). In nature, water is formed naturally from electricity (lightning) causing hydrogen and oxygen atoms to combine. I don't know exactly how much, but it does happen. Also, Aluminum is not something that is "produced". It is an Atom, and no amount of catalyst reactions will produce it. Aluminum alloys are created in a furnace, through smelting the Aluminum with various other metals to create an alloy with the properties desired, but this doesn't change the Aluminum atom itself. Aluminum does react with other checmicals like Hydrochloric acid (producing Hydrogen gas and Aluminum Chloride.) Or with Caustic Soda (NaOH) which again gives off Hydrogen gas, and we have to use explosion proof motors for our ventilation systems for our Caustic tanks (which we dip aluminum into).
aluminium needs to be extracted from the ore, a process that uses vast amounts of electricity. Its being produced because its pretty useless in ore form.
That has nothing to do with any reactions though, no bonds are being created or broken, it's merely the process of melting the aluminum and separating it from the other materials in the Ore
we weren't. We evolved from primates, which evolved from fish, which evolved from single celled organisms. Its a bit more complex than that though.
Well, I was created in a lab, by a group of scientists. Their goal was to produce the perfect human being. They succeeded.
Cloning-related research results: http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2009/08/27/meet-a-monkey-with-two-mothers/ So, scientists have developed a way to make an egg using the genetic material from a mother/father, and a donor Mitochondrial DNA from another female. This will lead to parents safely having children when the mother is a known carrier for some pretty nasty genetic diseases carried on the Mitochondrial DNA (which is passed down from mother to children). The ethical, legal, and social worries about "three parents" etc is hogwash, since it would be no different than sperm donors, who waive rights to offspring upon donating sperm. (This protects the donor from child support claims, etc.)
Im sorry Nfi but before we clone humans we are gonna clone animals, and the FDA has already proven that cloned meat is just as safe as natural meat, so no famine! but nice try
i'd like to see an army of me's. but the drawback would be a bunch of horny teenage asian boys... yeesh
If we got technology as far that we can clone then why not? God made our brains this way so we could develop something big like this in the future, then why not use it? I dont want to be cloned though, i dont think the world could handle it.
... oh i think the world can handle you... and others... *we can send clodes for dangerous jobs, that'll get originals the glory ^.^
shoot why not i wouldnt mind cloning as long as they fix the side effects like shortened life spans,i say go for it id rather raise myself then a kid lol
I would only agree to human body parts-heart transplants and blood transfusions would be easier that way. If allowed to live as normal then all sorts of ethical and immoral things may occur, for example a criminal may use one to escape being caught. Or just the fact that someone may try ressurrectiong...I don't know...HITLER! CLones for spare parts-not for companions or "other" uses. Besides-they'll take all of our jobs-cheaper to buy a clone and feed them than to hire people-just cloth them feed and shove them-no need for ethical treatment since they are slaves without free will if made that way.