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Advice on where to purchase R4?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MusicAddict911, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. masterz13

    masterz13 New Member


    Its based in Canada, and offers fast fast fast shipping. Plus, R4s are only about 40 bucks. :)
  2. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    Personally I would suggest going on Craig's List. I don't know if you are in North America but if you are that would be your best bet. I found it cheap and the guy who sold it to me was awesome. He even replaced it when I accidently put the Micro Ds card in cartridge the wrong way and broke the clip on the inside. I know - What a dumbass I am !!!
  3. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    wat is M3? or r4 for that matter!
    god, no offense, but i thought i was a nerd!