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Adult content

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Girogex, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    games that can have sexual content should be labeled so in it's handbook... (and with the sites that have sexual patches ^^)
  2. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    This thread is typical America. Violence in games is no problem but if there is a naked woman everyone discuss about.
    Think about that ;)
  3. royj

    royj Well-Known Member

    well i am not a big gaming fan but i do see some nude pictures and the never really intice me. i jus see the woman as a player. i does jus see a cartoon character and pick which one i want to play with, btw who feel romance when they see a nude cartoon character?
  4. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ummm... i'll have to stop playing those hentai games for a while... (rapelay, battle raper, etc)
  5. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    Me. (look at my sign)
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You can't be "in" love with a naked figure.

    Real or not-nudity doesn't quite make "love" but is something that people throw in with it.

    Ever heard about the japanese man who wanted to marry a 2-D character?

    Tha's love right there-sure strange as hell but it was true love...poor dude :(
  7. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    Im sorry for my feelings but I really love her. I left my girlfriend for this game character (no joke).
    And i dont like her only because shes naked in Twilight princess.

    I know that its not normal but im happy this way.
  8. royj

    royj Well-Known Member

    do u have a wife or a girl? is she a real girl ::) , a human being or is she cartoon. what sexual pleasure do you have with her if she is a cartoon character??? 8)
  9. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    I had a real human girlfriend but I left her, after I realised that I love Midna from Zelda Twilight Princess more then her.
    For your last question I only say one word: hentai!
  10. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    I just get so annoyed when I hear people say, why don't we think about the kids. GAMES AREN'T FOR KIDS!!! Especially 15+ games.

    No one ever says, that film that came out last month had lots of Adult Content, will someone think of the kids.

    Games are for everyone. If you don't want your children playing vidogames with Adult Content, DON'T BUY THEM THE GAME!!
  11. JTakashiNe

    JTakashiNe Well-Known Member

    raysie is right. There is a rating system for games. If parents don't want their children getting bad influence from adult content in games they should take note of the games they bought for their children is suitable for their child age group.
  12. xbluexladyx

    xbluexladyx Member

    Honestly, I think if there was proper ratings it should be fine. I'm not sure who said it, but, some people -do- get their kicks off of nudity in games. Oh well that's them. As long as they don't take some weird sexual fantasy on some poor girl fine by me.

    I think parents now a day's do not parent. They leave it up to TV or games to teach their kids. I think in normal parameters violence doesn't scar kids. It also doesn't help that some parents go in buy a game and not bother looking at the rating. I also think that if say, you have an older teenager, who can buy M rated games on their own and a younger child who you do not want seeing said so games, they should clearly express that 'i do not want your little brother/sister seeing these games put them somewhere where they can't find it' should be in order. But then again a lot of parents would be quick to put the blame on the develops or the rating system when i think that seeing tit's won't harm anyone.

    If you have a younger kid who see's nudity if the parent freaks out about it i think that is potentially more harmful than seeing a pair of breasts in the first place!

    Okay..I rambled and probably didn't make much sense sorry! 2AM here and busted AC not fun at all.
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    To above poster:

    I remember watching a film called Reservoir Dogs when I was way too young (my dad was watching it, and I came to cuddle and watch it with him, I was like 6 or something) and there was the part where the guy loses the ear.

    Well that scene scarred me, it made me cry and I had nightmares. My parents comforted me but yeah.

    My point is, now kids that same age see or play violence, they get a kick out of it. I'm sure I wasn't the only kid that was horrified by the violence at the time. Just kids now (or most) get a kick out of it. Why is that?

    Movies and Video Games are two different kinds of media that should be treated equally. The ratings on movies are similar to games. R = M . Yet when a game has a large amount of nudity, (with no viewable sex) it can get an A rating. Neat.

    I don't even know what I'm talking about.

    EXACTLYYyyy. A kid seeing a penis/vagina/boobs whatever is no problem, they're going to see those things someday anyways.

    While a decapitation or mutilated corpses... Not so much.
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Same here-my now fav movies (terminator, aliens, predator) scared me to death...

    But I do wish the younger gen would stay young-if it's not smoking at 11 (seen it too often), mobiles at 9 (like what the hell) it's adult content...

    For example-transformers 2 revenge of the fallen.

    That would have been MA wya back-now it's PG13.

    Sam's mother swore a little at the start which put me off-BECAUSE IT WASN'T A LISTED WARNING!

    Is it that acceptable in today's standards...I hope not-as much as I am a fan it's...not the way it should be...

    Dam Michael Bay *get's vodoo doll of him* NOW SUFFER!
  15. xbluexladyx

    xbluexladyx Member

    For me violence never really..freaked me out with movies. i dunno i'm weird like that. But everyones different. What got me with movies was 'scary' movies. Tremors and Arachnophobia freaked me out for YEARS seriously! TREMORS! its like yeah it freaked me out there was something under the ground that could hear me annd jah.... lol now that is by far one of my fave movies. Now Arachnophobia...Yeah i have arachnophobia personally (walk to my front door you'd see why some fairly big spiders there)

    Another thing was i watched a lot of x-files when i was little...That was a me and dad thing lol. I don't remember HALF of it cause i was so little at the time...I wouldn't watch the X-files movie for ages too cause the aliens freaked me out and when i finally seen it i was like '...i thought this was scary?' But then again for like a 9 year old that was a bit much....

    Okay rambling again ^^: anyways i know for a face me when i was up to say 5? i took showers with both my mom and dad and never thought anything of it hell my cousin he used to go around all 'i have a willinga do you have a willinga?!" But i think that's part of growing up and learning that little girls have certain parts little boys have certain parts. If you shelter a kid about that thing they may grow up despising the opposite sex! Isn't there a serial killer or two who was sheltered in that way and grown up to slaughter women cause his mother drilled it into his head that all other women were unclean because they had certain parts? Probably mixing it with a movie but i'm sure it's happened once or twice...I think the green river killer was taught to not form relationships with women because of his mother....

    Anyways a little nudity won't hurt anyone. If someone teaches a child its wrong that's messing them up more than them seeing a naked photo. and I'm repeating myself aren't I....

    and to mds64 i personally think whatever...? I mean i thought Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was down right awful with the content! I mean 5 year olds and -babies- were in the theater! Though....that is the parents fault i think. And a nine year old who has a cell phone to me...Fine. I mean with incredibly restricted numbers like to mom and dad, home, and say to a trusted neighbor type of thing in case something happens.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    wow you like to ramble...about some embassesing stuff :(

    Embassesment aside-today's standards have changed-and it's not for the better I reckon...

    As for pirate of the carribien-it's the parents fault yes-but some assume ANYTHING made with disney is gonna be kid friendly.

    But don't mind me-my grouchy farther (50) had drilled his world views into me-thus why I'm an old fashioned kinda dude despite being online enabled XD

    Seriously-I got my phone, first one, at 20-and I still have it (2 years on-nearly busted despite alumium casing)
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Ed Gein had the same thing taught to him. There's probably a lot more.


    YAY MY KNOWLEDGE OF KILLERS. I always find it interesting to read about serial killers, is that weird?

    It is the parent's fault, sometimes there's too much parenting, and sometimes there's too little. I would never give my kids a cell phone, I don't even have one. I'm not going to force my kids to grow up, no way. One thing that annoys me is all this very skimpy clothing and little girls wearing make-up. :\

    Damn whipper snappers, get off my lawn.

    I was scared of scary stuff too when I was little, how could you not? Scary shit. But I did not like violence, sometimes it still gets me.
  18. xbluexladyx

    xbluexladyx Member

    Ah maybe embarrassing for you but not for me~

    Onto other things! Yes today's standards HAVE changed and some of it is stupidity too! I remember on tv there was something like someone seen a sign on a school 'no one's big, no ones small, no one is tall, and no one is short we're all the same' Then some 7 year old in a swimming race didn't win the gold medal because he 'swam too fast' for the other kids. I think that is a BIG problem there because drive is what caused so many things to happen. The urge to beat someone is well, its competition and a little competitive spirit doesn't hurt anyone.

    Me i got my first one at 17, got another one last year (or the year before) because of Verizons plan. Can i ask if your a klutz? I'm surprise yours is so busted..my first one was plastic..dropped in water, dropped on cemet, not busted at all..still works actually...Same to my new one...I dunno i must have dumb luck cause everything that should break from a fall still works/looks fine. *knocks on wood just in case*

    See with me my parents didn't drill world views into me or anything..i think a lot like my dad (he's pushing 50) but that must be the genes speaking lol. See its weird I'm fairly old fashion on a lot of things myself other things I'm like okay whatever.

    oh Natewlie i agree! i mean its one thing make up wise like...um see when i as little i LOVED dressing up and playing with make up but that's sorta normal with little girls isn't it? I have fond memories of getting to keep the free samples my mom got. Oh that was fun times! Now i'm finding their actually selling clothes that little girls should..actually wear not skimpy whoreish things. But the news put it best with prosti-tots. Little girls wearing clothes and makeup and looking like little miniture hookiers.

    On knowledge of serial kills SO NO WEIRD! lol i found it interesting too at one point..THoguh i can't read stuff like it at night gives me the heebie jeebies..especially because i have the windows open at the moment...

    I don't know while violence doesn't get to me. It never have. I just cringed and go 'ouch that HAD to hurt'. See my Biggest thing is say..the ring that movie scared the crud out of me...still does i can safely say. stuff jumping out at you does not go well with me. I'm fine with blood, corpses getting cut up, people having surgeries what also gets me is...blood being drawn or like seeing drug users on tv. Even if its fake if it has to do with the veins oh boy i get skittish.

    (and note i looove discovery health channel so thats where i get surgeries and corpses getting cut up and all that jazz)

    Back to the parenting bit i think that there should be a balance. A girl i used to know her mom was the best friend her dad wasn't around. What did she do? she looked for love with sorta bad guys and slept with several of them and her mom just went with a 'don't get pregnant' deal.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ah the wise words of the females :)

    Anyway-I am a klutz at times-where do I normally fall-on my thighs-where is my phone-thigh pocket...

    Plus a few drops while running (bofore i got pants with zips) and the occasional temper flare (tip-the nokia 6500s hurts more than a large rock).

    The serial killer part-nothing weird about reading about them-it's the people who are young/dumb who try to do what they do...

    I wonder how many of the number I mentioned are involved in those school massacares.
  20. xbluexladyx

    xbluexladyx Member

    *curtsies* Why thank you~

    See I'm more or less a klutz lol tweak an ankle and crash and burn or trip over my own two feet. Then And that is a good good tip. I think my parents had a nokia ages ago...

    And its true...They are also the SAME people who played violent games etc etc. They had something wrong with them already if they took games/movies to heart. I watched plenty of violent movies and played a few violent games yeah....In a million years would i go into a public place for a mass killing. Personally i find playing say a good shooting game calming if i'm pissy doing that chills me out and then i'm back to my cheerful self.

    I remember on IMDB someone was talking about Oldboy being a fave movie for the one guy in the Vtech shootings and was all 'they should ban this movie and everyone who watches it and likes it is messed up!' Mmmm..No...I am a firm believer that censorship is idiotic. Not to mention wasn't he mentally not right and wasn't truly reported or something like that??