Very true. Adult content should be clearly labeled so the parents can NOT BE STUPID! If you're too lazy to read the box then you shouldn't have a kid.
hahaa thats cool.... think about why the content itself is exist?because its really liked or needed.... but off course by who?the segment must be the things will go where its should
I was joking about with games like Pokemon and such. I realised I was furry not long after reading 2kinds, foxtails and slightly damned
I'm fed up with dumb kids screwing games for everyone else. There is a clear M rating on the box of the game, expect mature content. Stop playing my damn games so that game companies stop trying to censor themselves and cut back on the violence, gore, and boobs that make a game just a tiny bit better. I don't know what the problem is with kids these days (this makes me feel like an old man), but I played violent games as a kid, saw violent movies as a kid (Predator, Aliens, Robocop, and the myriad amounts of bad horror movies) but I'm just your average joe in society. Games and movies are just a scapegoat for bad parenting. Just because some kid like listening to metal and playing Doom doesn't mean it told him to go to school and blow everyone away. They're just idiots who ruin it for everyone else! One of you kids needs to play violent video games and come up with a cure for chlamydia, that'll show the world!
yep. can't make a website. well I can those crappy site builders. Also just because it's not on google doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
The sexual content doesn't add to the game... That's why my copy of no more heros, while it lacks blood (and has black powder instead) doesn't bother me... It's the game it's self that counts... One bad example of adult content gone wrong-house of the dead overkill (yeah, overkill on the laguage-guiness world record for most f-bombs!) However, with that said, parents are stupid... "Oh this game looks harmless..." 10 mins later, they complain about the language/violence/adult content.... They need to be taught to think "hang on, M-better not!" In my house, I'm the advisor for violent games-sure my 13 yr brother plays Resident evil 4 without remorse, but....that only happened because I got sick of hiding the dam game, and playing only when he wasn't around! That is my opinion.
If the adult content is clearly labled as such, then people shouldn't have a problem with Adult Content in games just as they have no problem with AC in other media. The desire to bland out the world to protect the children is such a horrible concept and I am consistently amazed by peoples dedication to this ideal. By the way I thought some of the earlier posts were in extremely poor taste, particularly the rape comments.
I think it's clear enough in australia, though the classification thing is messed up, transformers 2 had a bit of swearing and a bit of slight adult content (in my younger life, this movie would have got MA18+-guess these days it doesn't matter as much) And I agreee about the rape comments-but sadly, freedom of speech, it was meant to be a joke, I would have laughed, but of course, those who experienced it wouldn't be laughing...and I know a few...
What is really worrying is the Australian governments proposal to block access to games that contain adult content by forcing ISPs to block access to any site that sells or allows downloads/online-play of games that fall outside its 'M' rating.
I think that people who don't want to see porn in their life should stay away from rated R or M movies. As long as you're not searching for it on the internet, you shouldn't be exposed to it unless you're some uneducated idiot trying to use modern technology such as the internet.
There are some people who seem to make it their mission to find stuff that horrifies them, then go blabbing to all that will listen about the horrors of the net, a game, a film or a live performance. These people have their own agenda for why they do this, and some sections of the media lap their nonsense up. Personally I think anyone who wishes to deprive an adult from adult material should be treated how they would like us all to be treated, as an unwanted child.
Right on! 1prinnydood. People who want to bland down the world for the sake of children drive me crazy. In Australia, (where I'm from) the Federal Government wants ISPs to filter the websites available to us. There was a leak of the list online and it was pretty much just porn sites but there were also poker sites and a dentist? was also included. Also, because we have no 'R' rating for games in Oz, games are readily censored or not distributed. The Government also wants to stop access to site that sell games that are banned in this country. Goodbye Amazon, Ebay etc.
Dude, censorship blows. I wonder if they banned p2p sites and torrents... I'd move to somewhere else if they did that kind of crap here.