I take it you've never played any of those Japanese Hentai games on your PC before Giro... [me=Cahos Rahne Veloza]Facepalms self for disclosing one of his & his old friends' favorite pastimes back in high school.[/me] What you described was something the Japanese were very much into back in the day & I'm guessing up to the present as well. So though your game might spark negativity, places like Japan will gladly accept it.
It's the parent's responsibilty to decide what's good for their children. Instead of buying Tomb Raider or GTA they should buy Spongebob games for their kids and turn them into sponge brains. sponge brains is better than violent-imagery filled brain
Unfortunately the real world isn't so innocent & nice, we really need to allow children who we think can handle this stuff (can't post an appropriate age since children vary in these aspects, but as soon as we think a child can handle things like crime, death &/or sex we should teach these things to them) to learn of these "bad aspects" of life & society. We can sugarcoat it, but we should let them get exposed to these things as soon as we can & guide them on the right path, otherwise they can take these things in the wrong way thus causing them to fool around & it would be far to late to help them as they could be stealing, doing crack &/or are pregnant with who knows which boy/man's child or worse they could be dead already.
As a person who played a GTA game when I was seven, I am not scarred and I am not a foul mouth so what does it do? Nothing much, my personality problems came from something else, the younger kids aren't as intelligent now...
Yes, un-intelligent & impulsive. So, if these kids see these things later in life with no proper guidance from a parent/s they will see things differently which is really really bad.
Adult content... Well there's this major political douchebag over here who somehow prevents "R" rated games from existing on Aussie shelves... Man I hate the government most of the time... in fact, I tend to hate people as a whole >.<
Sorry to reply on the first post of an already established thread, but I don't think the Tomb Raider nude patch was from the creators... There is a ton of adult content that other people mod onto the game, and the company can't be held responsible. Violence in video games is a laugh. I've read some 'great classic novels' that talk about things far fouler than what I play in most video games. In 'The Case of Amontillado (or however the hell you spell it)' the main character chains his enemy to a wall in a wine cellar and then seals a stone wall in front of him. I've read this in school! However, if a game did the same thing, parent's would be outraged! Why can I read about something heinous that was required by the school, but not play a game with heinous things in it? I'm going to go ahead and guess that the reason is because the wolds stupid and as soon as something comes along that they didn't grow up with and they don't understand the appeal, they make up their own reasoning for why people like it. I don't like the GTA games or Oblivion because I can go around killing people. Why do parents insist that's what the games are for?
I agree that adult content in games should be available for those who appreciate it. Such content should not be targated at kids as it is obviously meant for adult consumption. However, I do not like or make use of content ratings such as T for teen ect. As a parent I do not need or appreciate a nameless stranger deciding what is appropriate for my kid, that's my job. I can honestly say my son has never played any game that either I, my wife, or a trusted friend has not experienced first. I think parents who rely on age ratings are not doing their jobs as parents. One of the great things about a site like Romulation is the ability to try out new games before buying, so I get to check out content when thinking about a game for my son. If I am not able to try before I buy, which the industry do not want me to do, then I will not make a purchase. I would be in favour of more adult content in games as I think mature audiences are not catered to very well considering that the majority of gamers are adults. Personally I really don't care that much if a game has adult content or not, I just want to enjoy a good game, it takes a bit more than T&A to sell me a game. To those that think games or film are responsible for violence or rape in society, do you not think violence and rape existed before the film industry or indeed before the invention of the printing press? I think blaming a game for your crime is not going to convince any jury.
I looked up Denigrade Battle on google after reading that (Just... you know.. wondering when it would come out) and this thread was the first result. Maybe you ment Denigrate Battle?
...Really when it comes to games like that, they should have a back room, like the porn stores, where only those in the know can go-because I'm sick of kids half my age going on about stuff like that (not bad parents-just downloading roms for free-without restriction...) or getting mistaken for higher ages and getting away with it! Thing is I suppose, like the music industry... SEX SELLS. (it's ilegal to sell over rated games to minors, but it keeps sales high, especially if by mistake, or so we are told..) And catergorising may not always work-some idiots at EB stuffed up many times...really tall 14 yr buying grand theft auto...terrible. In australia there is no R rating for games-thus they get banned from sale here, sure it's a bad thing because of my fav games getting banned (not worried about "that" content of course-a revision of m15+ is okay to me) but then...does that help...? Don't just ask for ID in my opinion-they will find other ways around to see the adult content...
I've been playing games with a higher age rating than my own all my life, even when I was 2 I played a 3+ game so don't say that younger kids shouldn't be allowed to play games like that, it's all in the player, not the age
That's almost true, CJ. While some things are hard wired in children (you argument, basically.) every child can be corrupted by video games to some extent. Mostly I blame the neglect that comes in hand with a parent allowing their children to play thins kind of game the cause of the problem, but a six year old playing grand theft auto will undoubtedly have some consequences, as well as any child younger than that. I'm not saying that video games make kids do bad things, but in young children they are shaped by experiences, and it determines what they will BE! You can't let a little child play violent video games. Around age 14-16 is when they should know right from wrong and should be able to watch/play whatever the hell they want.
If games influenced me at all they may have influenced me to become a furry, so all furry haters out there, don't let your children play video games