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Acekard 2i

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Redman947, May 26, 2010.

  1. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    It could either be the MSD card itself or the reader. Try a different reader first, and if that doesnt work, you'll need to get a new MSD card.
  2. Redman947

    Redman947 Member

    its my msd
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It's most likely the reader.

    Do you have another?
  4. Redman947

    Redman947 Member

    yea i do and it didnt work on that too
  5. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    You'll probably need to get another MSD card then. I don't think this was the acekards fault, as I have never heard of this happening because of it.
    MSD cards can be defective and stop working sooner than they normally would.

    MSD cards are easy to find, most electronic shops should have them. Try to get a Class 4 or higher card.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    Well...I don't see how both are bad. How long have you had the Micro SD card?
  7. Redman947

    Redman947 Member

    i only had it for 4 days
  8. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Like I said, most likely was defective.
    Unless both readers are bad....
    Where did you get the readers and what brand are they?
  9. Redman947

    Redman947 Member

    One is from sandisk and the other is micro sd card adapter
  10. Opuske

    Opuske Member

    did ur computer installed the drivers for the readers / adapter ?
  11. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    They pretty much are all PnP nowadays, and use generic drivers, no specific ones needed.

    GAME NERD Well-Known Member

    lol this is the same thing that happened to me i just returned my acekard and exchanged it to an r4i
    DAMN! (if only i knew)
  13. Jac0

    Jac0 Guest

    Hi, I found this thread on ak2i so I decided to post here my problem with this flashcard.
    Now, I've just received my card, but it doesn't seem to work with any firmware!
    It's really frustrating, I've tried both AKAIO and the official one (i tried 4.21 version but it didn't boot so I got the older 4.17 but I'm still getting the error message at the boot).
    My DSi firmware is 4.3E, so I shouldn't have any trouble... BUT... I tried those firmwares using English as system language, always getting the error message "An error has occurred [...]" at the boot, I can't even reach the "Loading" screen...
    Please help me...

    EDIT: I tried the Ak2i on my Fat NDS and it works perfectly. Still don't get how to make it work on DSi.

    EDIT 2: SOLVED!!! Although my DSi firmware was 1.3E the ak2i needed the danny phantom update! Yay!