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Acekard 2i xD

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by aghagh, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. aghagh

    aghagh Member

    Hello people, errmmm im thinking about buying an acekard 2i but im not sure if it was worth it. I have an r4i and my brother said he'd order me an acekard2i from 0shippingzone if i want. So my questions are: 1. Should i buy an acekard2i? 2. How long would it take to ship if i did get one? and 3. acekard 2i works on dsi 1.4... right? xD
    Post Merge: [time]1269802633[/time]
    Uh, i already ordered my acekard n stuff, but i read online you need a ds to update it so you can use 1.4, is it possible to patch it on the computer or something? or else ima need to borrow my friend's ds so i can patch it haha xD
  2. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    You should get it, it's a great investment if you previously owned a r4 or one of its clones.

    It works with 1.4, but I personally updated using my Phat, so I do not know of other ways.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If your dsi isn't on 1.4, leave it, you only need to update to use the dsi shop and or special dsi functions-wifi gaming is safe on 1.3 (and besides-all wifi games use wep-dsi it's self can use WPA but no game can use WPA yet...just some extra info).

    No need to worry about updating to 1.4 and the acekard to work (except the general firmware) but if your on 1.4 then do so...you'd need a second non dsi/pre 1.4 to work the 1.4 patch.
  4. aghagh

    aghagh Member

    Thanks for your answers, so your saying that the original ds (not ds lite) can be used to patch it? cuz if it can, i wont needa borrow a ds since im an old school player and at the same time new :D and thank you hypnos for telling me bout that :D
  5. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    Yup, that's what I used.
  6. aghagh

    aghagh Member

    well i just got my acekard now, March 30th to April 7th... ONE WEEK!!! and people told me two weeks! I was so excited when i opened my mail to see a little package. The acekard is great!!! But here is my other question: I put AKAIO 1.6 RC1 or 2 i think whatever number is latest and so i put it in the acekard into the dsi just to see if it'd work anyways and it did o.o it already showed the danny phantom thing, does that mean i still have to patch it??? cuz it works fine and i didnt have to patch it at all so yeah... hehe and POKEMON DOESNT FREEZE :D
  7. fitcat

    fitcat Member

    No, you don't need to patch it. It's already 1.4 firmware compatible.