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Ace Attorney:Miles Edgeworth waiting room.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by konobono, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. gengarjetty

    gengarjetty Active Member

    Well, Professor Layton 2 came out on the release date(NA , August 24th 2009)

    So lets hope... I have an exam tomorrow, but its only a measly class test which the lame prof doesn't even look at, so I'll be up all night till it comes out :D
  2. Ditto Wolf

    Ditto Wolf New Member

    I live in israel so it's 16:00 here, I think I'll also stay here untill the release XD
  3. gengarjetty

    gengarjetty Active Member

    hmm, actually I think I'll go for a run and then bathe, have dinner, study a tad and then see if the fruits of waiting have been earned lolz
  4. Vylen

    Vylen New Member

    I remember sticking around waiting for Apollo Justice to get dumped.

    Hung around the IRC channel for the group that did it - it only took them a day.

    Now if only i could remember who did it - they might pull it off again....
  5. Zack11190

    Zack11190 Member

    I just hope that there isn't some sort of anti-piracy thing in the game. Nintendo has been doing that with their major releases.
  6. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    There's no AP for the (J) version so its unlikely this one will have.
    If this one has blame Capcom since their doing the game.
  7. IvanMF

    IvanMF New Member

    Can't wait either, I hope to see it there soon. It's 17:14 here, so I figure it's still like 10:14 in the US.
  8. gengarjetty

    gengarjetty Active Member

    "Counterfeiting of Nintendo's video game products is a serious crime. For over 20 years, Nintendo has undertaken an aggressive worldwide campaign to stop the production and distribution of pirated video game products."

    20 years, people. What are the chances :p
    Post Merge: [time]1266338150[/time]
    its like anti viruses lol... the more locks used, the more keys made :p
  9. Squid101

    Squid101 Member

    I hope it comes out soon. I want to make use of my Tuesday and Wednesday off.
  10. stickmaleboy

    stickmaleboy Member

    Cannot wait. I just have this empty feeling inside me every time I check the site and its not there. But i can wait till tomorrow, right? right?.... :(
  11. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean..!!

    I hope it get dumped within 1~2 hour

    I have to go inside camp tomorrow...!!
  12. gengarjetty

    gengarjetty Active Member

    OMG I have the same feeling!! :'( Grrr why cant they just buy the game from gamestop, rip it and upload it NOWWWW its 10 pm arrgghhh
  13. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Im reloading the main page every one minutes...!!
  14. rebornalone

    rebornalone Well-Known Member

    It's been a long time since an epic game was dumped so I'm somehow impatient as well. I believe Ragnarok DS is already out I think.
  15. Vylen

    Vylen New Member

    The people on 4chan's /v/ are going insane. From what I could count, there has been at least 7 threads asking for AAI. All pretty funny.
  16. gengarjetty

    gengarjetty Active Member

    Hmm.. its also on the 16th!! so is it on romulation?

    btw, on gamespot i heard that the rom was out on feb 4th... but many of the posts were deleted.. grr..
  17. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member


    Saw this on 4chan not sure if its reliable or not...!!

    Edit: Its not AAI..!! :(
  18. gengarjetty

    gengarjetty Active Member

    I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach and been laughed at :'( So near, yet so far.
  19. mr.nintendo

    mr.nintendo Well-Known Member

    hello everyone (looks like plenty new members are here ) (i welcome u all )
    long time since i have been here.This is one of the games i am waiting for, thats why 2010 is my fav year. all good games are coming this year.
  20. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    And i saw another link...

    Im trying that now also..!!

    Not having high hopes...