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According to AVG this site gave me a virus.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Big Green, Feb 15, 2009.

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  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you'd care if it did :p
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    mmm let me think

    "aaaaaahhhhhhggggg there's a knife in my eye"
    "its a bayonet actually"
    "i don't care it's in my eye get it out"

    mmmm nope

    ether way not having a firewall is like that

    running around with a loaded gun, safety off (possibly cocked) pointed at your self and a bayonet on the end that can potentially poke you in the eye if the gun doesn't shoot you first

    did i miss anything
  3. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    The bear... you missed him.

    And the point. ou missed that by a mile.
  4. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    ok now i'm lost. so did anyone find out more about this... thing?
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The thread got way off topic.

    Locked, unless deemed un-necessary by the others.
  6. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    It's still not... locked....

    Anyway, did avast actually say the source was romulation.net, or do you have a specific place that it says it came from?
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    its still on topic, it got silly yes but it was on topic, if the guy says he doesn't have a firewall then it doesn't matter what site he was on or what anti-virus he has cause without a fire wall the internet will rape him.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    True & Windows Firewall isn't even worth one's time, it has so many holes that Swiss Cheese will look prettier ;D

    Thanks to guys here I discovered ZoneAlarm, it's not free ofcourse but it's worth it ;)
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    There is a free version of zonealarm you know (or there always was). Personally I found it a bit resource heavy though.
  10. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i use the free zonealarm, works lovely and it good too. keeps all those nasties out when i'm looking at dirty porn cause you know if your going to get a virus its from one of them
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Hardware firewall, no resource usage on me PC at all. :p
  12. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Oh you posh bloke, you have to try and show us all up. Actually zonealarm is a beauty when you get it configured correctly. And on topic, i got a trojan before from one of the off site links when i tried to download a N64 emulator, caught it with mcafee straight away though. And most of the ads are posted at ads.com i think.
    Anyway seph, what's you're computer spec and how much did it cost ya, i never seen you talk about 'em much before
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    His hardware firewall is a standard router, I'm the one with the fancy firewall (have a smoothwall express linux based PC firewall, and a watchguard firebox 2)

    red unit on the bottom is a watchguard firebox like the one I have.
  14. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Oh now that's over the top for a home network. I have a standard router and i have it set up as my dedicated hardware firewall, works sometimes fails the most. But do you run a business? I know that you have a top of the range PC, suppose you have to have top of the range everything really then don't ya. How much has your computing stuff cost you over the years then?
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    many thousands of pounds. But I'm a networking professional, so I have stuff to practice on (including several Cisco switches and routers, they're really expensive).
  16. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    i stabbed the hell out of my pc with combofix once. was losing my data anyway and it worked at fixing it without destroying my pc. it would be ads, i never got one though. the worst is that im getting ads for expired crap.

    I was hit with IEantivirus and virtumonde"spelling?" at different times, had to use other pc to get removal programs. both completely posessed my pc. reformatting your pc completely every few years, every year if you're obsessive is usually a good thing all around.

    take a few days and write down all the programs and make note of all the settings write down all the stuff you need to check for updates drivers i.e. video cards, audio cards. then go and kill the thing. start from scratch reinstall &update the os, gut the unneeded crap out, reinstall programs & drivers. configure settings and run a defrag to check if any is needed.

    it'll take a few hours but most of it can be done without babysitting it. example is the 20min to reinstall the OS. winxp should start with less than 10 cycles of the blue loading bar. pc should take a few seconds to boot, load the os and then be ready unless you have a lot of crap set to run at startup.

    i run the newest version of avast free. spybot S&D, with its IE protection. windows firewall and actiontek router firewall.

    Edit: took so long to type that my session timed out :D
  17. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    so loony, you're a pro, i want to go into compuing, i think my talent lies there :D And Fallenleader, isn't that a bit extreme, reformatting it, get rid of it, i do reformat things but as the last resort, sometimes the OS has gone corrupt though so i've had to - it's annoying when yu can't remember what you had (settings etc.). And spybot is a great program in my opinion, it's free and it does the job, i give the programmer a 10/10 for his work, probably one of the best freeware programs out there.
  18. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    spybot- built and maintains the program for his woman.

    and its not extreme, i try to keep strict requirements of my pc, once it starts getting bloated and i don't want to mess with any more major work. i format. its not very often due to all the backing up i have to do since im always in the middle of some mod or crack related work.

    keeps the registry unbloated. i run easycleaner robovac spybot hijackthis avast spotmau tweakui malwarebytes and the professional version of diskkeeper.

    not all the time but thats a portion of what i have in my "toolbox" so to say.
  19. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Oh, i see. When it gets bloated it is definitely quicker to reformat than to clear it out - even then you aren't assured 100% crap cleaned. But, every guy has to have his toolbox. I also deal with cracks and mods a few times, haven't recently though because i feel my pc doesn't need any more programs to beat it up.
  20. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    recently redid a caesar 3, now with custom menu including.

    install button, crack button , addon button which opens folder of mods to install "or in the case of this game, copy/paste into caesar 3 folder, which needs opened by hand" and exit button.

    the problem is i ren errors trying to run the menu on win 2000. the game works fine and can be installed by opening the cd drive folder and clicking setup which bypasses the autorun.

    other games, outpost, outpost 2, street legal racing redline, popcap game collection, total annihilation i did an entirely custom build and a seperate 700mb cd with custom menu of mods. it took months, then i lost the data because i had modded too much without testing compatability online multiplayer, some units were unable to be built. :(
    i was doing starwars empire at war but forget where i left off. i did custom graphic work for postal characters and stuff. was building a modded version of vice city but there are so many files, its just an assembly of different mods all built in one so it can be reinstalled without having to redo all the work. and god, probably countless others.

    ::) -legal disclaimer- ::)
    its not illegal to create my own product for my enjoyment that enhances products i have. ;) regardless of where i found, bought, was given or any other way of recieving them.
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