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about games

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rell, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    nothing has happened to me or anyone else that i know!!...........yet..........
  2. OzFire

    OzFire Member

    ya nothings happened to me or anyone i know and if it does ill let you know. im in my second year of downloaded games. besides whats the worst the could do sue you? My grandma says "you can't squeeze blood from a turnip".
  3. morts

    morts Member

    I used to buy my games 2 or 3 at a time costing me loads of money. And on many occasions I just end up hating the game I bought and selling it losing loads of money. I listen to the media hype over a game and get disappointed and lighter in the pocket over it. But because of the guys who have the nerve to put these up for download I can now download the game and test drive it, then if I like I can go buy the original, saving me my hard earned and hard to come by money... A try before you buy type deal, if you like. It may be illegal in certain countries but if you have the original, and a copy, how can they prove beyond all doubt that you illegally got that file.
    Anyway I love the fact that I can try these games out, I have dumped so many games that I normally may have lost money on by buying. Thanks ROMU.......
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    that's exactly why i do this!! games are expensive, and i will do anything to test them out before i buy!! i only buy the games that are really good (very few)!!
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    In australia, you can backup a game if you legally own it.

    You cannot download it.

    Though the manuals inside with the games say otherwise....

    This is how they legally sell r4's and stuff as well-except they just don't put games on them to keep those legal.
  6. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    I think "they're" more interested in people who pirate mainstream brand new games and movies and of course music. I don't think I've heard of anyone being sued for downloading, say, anime and games unreleased outside of Japan or SNES games.

    Anyway I know how you feel TC. Once upon a time someone broke into our house stole all of my games, my Megadrive etc. :( Zee police, zey did nothing. I think, as long as you have the receipts you may get some leniency. Then again, the law can be awfully two-faced/hypocritical regarding these things.
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    and that's exactly why they're screwy!! ;)
  8. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    i agree with you. i also think that you should e able to test out games for a day before you by them, providing that there isnt an official demo for the game... this government is crazy... having the internet and saying you cant download is like saying you can by a car and not drive it...