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about DREAMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by XD9999, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Lucid dreaming is not uncommon but for most people it seems to happen quite randomly. It is possible to encourage a lucid dream to happen even for those people who never have them. Outside of lucid dreaming, where you as the dreamer can control things, it is also possible to affect the dreams of others both before thay go to sleep and while they sleep.

    Freud has little to say about dreams when compaired to Jung http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Jung

    @nomercy - I have a feeling that you may enjoy reading a book called The Dream Illuminati by Wayne Saalman ISBN: 0-941404-72-2
    it is all about people who dream of flying.
  2. geekalot

    geekalot Active Member

    dreams may be visions through the future.....when i was a puny freshmen i dreamt that i was in the highest class of all!! :Dnext school year i became a sophomore guess what it came true(though there are only two sections ;D)COINKydoEHky? :-\
  3. ~7Vath~

    ~7Vath~ Well-Known Member

    It's amazing how i have exactly these things happening in dreams too :O

    tho i really can't explain it to anyone

    and i also got some sort of thing where i dream thing happening to me (example something falls down an i get hit with it) it kinda like deja-vu but when i wake up and it happens i usually avoid it...
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they often are, but they can't be interpreted literally.
  5. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    The whole "dreaming in B&W" thing is BS...

    In the meantime I once thought I controlled what I did in dreams...
    I realised, I only THINK I'm controlling my own actions, if that makes any sense.

    Dreams have always interested me, the senses they create, those of freedom or trapping, power and weakness, immortality and death.
    Ah well, all I can do is hope I get an interesting dream tonight ;)
  6. Pinkpanzer

    Pinkpanzer New Member

    Dreams facinate me depending on who i may speak to about them they change in so many ways they are truly amazing and it is because of dreams that i really do think that there is more to us as human beings than this life that we are living here and now, i also dream in colour and i now that i can read and think in my dreams because i am working on a script at the moment that has been floating around for the past few years and on more than one ocassion have come up with an idea for it during a dream, i also have dreams where they feel so real that we i wake i am gob smacked when i realise that i was dreaming in the first place thats how real the seem to me and with certain members on my family myself included i believe that in a way we can see in some way what will happen in advance of it actually occuring although not neccessarily in the capacity of the way the events end up turning out, for example i have often dreamed of people that i would have met through work that i may not have seen in a long time or that i may dealt with recently but they had a problem or issue with a particular item i may have sold them and they would turn up a day or so later to tell me about it, i recently had a dream where a customer i had dealt with a few weeks before hand was in a night club i was in , it was loud and packed to the gills with other people and the music was blaring through the sound system but i could only see his face as i walked through the club his face was the only one i could make out, as it happens he rang me in work a few days later to tell me he had a problem with his order. This happens on a regular basis, i also dont really need an alarm clock i usually have no problem waking on time no matter how late/early i go to bed on most occasions i tend to dream that i am were i should be when i wake up ie work or if i have to be somewhere thats not home yet i know its a dream as something unusual is always going on in them. Some of my sisters have them same ability in there dreams i was to go see a medium with my sister who lost a son who was knocked down by a car a few years ago and she dreamed that we missed the show two weeks for we were due to go but only though of telling me on the day the show was due yet we were both convinced that it was due on different dates it ended up we did miss it. These are just a few examples of dreams that i or family members have had and they have in a way convinced me that there is without a shadow of a doubt something more to the life that we are living.
  7. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Holy. I dreamed about Japanese girls 5 hours ago. *yawn* And lotsa zombies.
  8. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    With me, right, it's a lot like cahos
    I mean, i can control my dreams and shit, but when people say things like 'one second im superman next second im batman'
    Thats a load of crap. Controlling your dreams doesn't meen completely changing it!
    Control/Manipulation of dreams means changing things like say i started walking left, in my mind i say (whether in the subconcious or not) turn around. Or like you know stop, you're dreaming.
    Often i have realised that i dream and change colour tones.
    Especially if like i have a dream that im like in the present, then i go back like 40 years, theres a sepia tone, and like if its a really dark and evil place its very dark and often incorporates black and white into it. If i am, for example, getting sucked into a vortex, there is a negative tone, as you would be able to do in such programs as windows movie maker.
    its quite wierd, and i know i can do more than that, it just wont come to mind.
    One thing i cannot do, however, is remember reading in dreams.
  9. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    I like dreaming because of the sci-fi thingythat goes in yer head whe ye sleep
  10. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    if you go back in time, dreams were always related to sex. it all started with a genious, and i dont mean it in a sarcastic way, Sigmund Freud. he was the father of psychoanalysis. he said that most dreams are related to sex and in some ways they actually are.

    most of my dreams are a bit odd though. i dont see how having a police booth having the upper half of it being ripped off and me useing a paintball gun that looks exactly like an M4 and me shooting at a bunch of students in it have to do with sex.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Freud was absurd, tell me how can a 3 year old think of sex?

    His idea that infants "feel" sexual things about suckling on their mothers breasts or kids who have been potty trained "feel" sexual satisfaction pooping is so retarded. Methinks mister freud is just one big pervert.
  12. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    back on the Dejavu thing all the new songs, i've already heard in dreams EVERY SINGLE ONE and really its getting annoying now
  13. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    that is the truth i normally have [visions]in my dreams and i am not crazy at all
  14. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    doesn't this go with the lucid dream topic...
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    F.Y.I., this thread was posted over a year before that one :p
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

  17. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    I dream in full colour and occasionally use the "reality check" method to pull myself out of really weird dreams (I don't have nightmares, just crazy-ass dreams). I remember one time I was walking down a railroad in Arizona (weird because I live in Australia) and I see Mel Gibson in his Mad Max costume (weird because I've never seen Mad Max) and then I heard this really weird noise so I was like, "Screw this, Imma jump this crack-fest," and then I woke myself up.
  18. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

  19. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    It's all been done.
  20. edombo

    edombo Active Member

    i once had a dream that elvis presley was gonna kill me, and to make me afraid, he hung up 5 children heads in front of my house, i wanted to run away, but then i landed into a lego world, with elvis presley and me in a tunnel, he was chasing me, i was running away, and just when i got to the stairs i woke up, brrrr never gonna play with lego again XD