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Aaron Fresh vs Justin Bieber

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RenaldoTT, May 13, 2010.


Who do you prefer more?

This poll will close on Sep 27, 2037 at 6:04 PM.
  1. Aaron Fresh - Born American raised Trinidadian

    0 vote(s)
  2. Justin Bieber - Born American raised American

    0 vote(s)
  1. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I don't care? I'm pretty sure america would have a lot more different types of people, but i'm not gonna argue with you in a topic based on these two music people.

    Point is, not everyone will like beaver and fresh's music, a lot of people probably don't think the music is good, which is fine. You can't please everyone.
  2. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    My point wasn't to please everyone though it was just to set up a poll. It's your pal that decided to wrongfully brand my fellow citizen of Trinidad Aaron, and in Trinidad we're all one people so I took offense to that, that's all
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I think you should have another video from the beaver if you want it to be a fair and unbiased opinion because to me it looks like you favor that Aaron kid.
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    No reason to take offense, no one meant to offend you i don't think. When you make a poll asking opinions, you have to accept that some will have opinions that don't equal yours

    also this.
  5. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    I do favor Aaron because to me he's better so yes it is biased, but then again as the caption above the second vid stated, the second video is of a song of a different genre to the first, and Aaron only has two videos this far. But if you're willing to go look for a good Justin video cool.

    @sylar I did accept his opinion I just did not accept the wrong information he stated about Aaron. How many times do I have to repeat?
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I'm no fan of them so I won't be looking up a Justin video.
    This will remain biased and not opinionated until there is another video regardless of whether or not it's a "different genre" or not.
    Excuse me. I have to sleep now and think about a way to get my 360 working. :)
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Add a 'neither' option so I can vote, plz.
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Please do...
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I didn't wrongfully brand him. He's a rapper, he makes music that sounds a lot like American rap, his lyrics were a lot like typical American rap. Thus he's a rapper. It might be the national music style of the Caribbean but that doesn't really matter at all, I grouped him with these musicians because I think the one song you linked fits in that group perfectly, he might have other songs but I'm honestly not going to seek them out.

    Also, if you take offence at me saying his music sucks then you're an nationalistic idiot who obviously cannot take criticism of anyone from his own nation. Patriotism is good in moderate amounts only.
  10. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Sigh must I keep saying this, I don't have a problem with you not liking his music my offense as I stated multiple times had to do with the fact that you called him a rapper when he is NOT. He is a singer. Don't you know the difference between singing and rapping, they are two separate things. Therefore you can't call that an opinion at all since the fact is that he's NOT a rapper why would I place "vs" if one raps and one sings. Then their music would be of two different genres and that would make no sense putting them against each other. I hope you got it clear this time.

    But to say again, rap and singing are two different things. Aaron Fresh and Justin Bieber and singers not RAPPERS. Your logic is flawed if you can't see the difference between singing and rapping my friend, because what your saying in other words is because you THINK two things are similar they are, which is poor logic.

    Again I state, I only got offended because you labeled him wrongly, if you don't like his music that is fine, but don't label him as something he is not. I don't like Justin and I don't label him as fag, or idiot, I can't say that I don't like you but if I did I wouldn't label you as a self absorbed, stereotypical, anus. No because that would be immature.

    I hope you got all my points clear now.
    Post Merge: [time]1273953108[/time]
    Just something you should read Seph

  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Rapping, singing, it's Music.
    Rapping is kinda like chanting, but is also sung at times... :p
    So therefore are one in the same.
  12. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    The point is Aaron is not a rapper and should not be classed as such
  13. Reme

    Reme Well-Known Member

    um ok then since you know everything and cant be wrong what would u classify him as? did u know singers usually sing only certain styles of music for instance RAP, Techno, Hiphop, Pop, Rock, Country(bleh) etc i really dont care but its anoying seeing people argue over something so simple

    Personaly i dont like either of them i just dont like Aaron at all and the first time i heard Justin i thought he was a girl...and so did my brother and my sister and my grandma who i quoted with ''She has such a pretty voice'' ever since then i didnt like him or his songs call me what u will but when did prepubecent voice become popular (dam pedos)

    ah and i also dont think it maters AT ALL where they were born or what they were raised as
  14. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    @Reme if you read the thread you'll see I classified him and he does so himself as a SINGER talk done. This is not an argument it's a discussion where name calling took place and I simply replied with sarcasm. To you it may not matter where they were born or how they were raised but to MY POLL it matters very much so.
    Further more I can be wrong, because I'm human, but I'm NOT wrong about Aaron being a SINGER. Why because HE IS NOT. He classifies himself as a R&b, Pop, Reggae, Dancehall SINGER not American Rap Artiste.
  15. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

  16. Neither. They're both chavs.
  17. Reme

    Reme Well-Known Member

    everyone who sings classifys themselves as a singer i wouldnt have asked if i thought that was an answer
    anyway doesnt really mater

    i believe i agree with what other people said need a Neither option or a ''SINGER'' people actually care about
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    RenaldoTT who else do you like?
  19. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I have no idea who Aaron Fresh is, but I'm going to assume that since he's versing Justin Bieber that he has a similar "Singing" style. Ergo, I both think they're little talentless pricks.
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    OMFG I didn't even listen to it!

    Someone didn't test out a vid :p