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A spot of curiosity (R4 SDHC)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by snebbers, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Alright I will do that, thanks everyone for posting. ::) Just a case of trial and error from here on out then. (I haven't been home in a few days to try this)
  2. rockerzz182

    rockerzz182 Well-Known Member

  3. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    The websites I have tried don't seem to work.
    If I type up the folder structure with the file names (And I mean exact file names) does anyone think they can figure out where it is from?

    I'm currently looking through www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/

    Found the exact same setup of v1.23 (Which I currently am using) from the website www.r4new.com. Just going to check the latest version and see if that works. So that must be the right one right?

    Well I'm back to where I began with this v1.34 stuff.. My card starts up, gets past loading and then turns black.. I can then close the lid of the DS and it will proceed to go into Sleep mode.. And come back out, onto a black screen..

    Any Suggestions?
  4. BSNAllstar

    BSNAllstar Well-Known Member

    Try the different firmwares for the R4 SDHC.
  5. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Been trying that. :/ I don't understand how this is working out.. V1.23 from www.r4new.com works, but no other firmware, anywhere will work.

    Just found out that I wiped all my latest saves. Bahaha.
  6. voldemont

    voldemont Active Member

    Hey Snabbers I think I have the same problem as you. I tried using the kernal from the r4 website said to be the original and it wont work on my r4. Then I tried the website you suggested the R4new and it worked, im using the 1.34 kernal from that website. so do es that mean I have a bad r4 clone? and Also im thinking on getting a new card, any recomedentions? I heard cyclops is pretty good. ;D Good Luck Snabbers
  7. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I actually have no idea Voldemont. I've heard that SuperCard and CycloDS are top of the line. So your best bet may be with them. :)
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Get acekard dude, that way you can bug me over msn if any issues :)

    Good card, though a cycloDS (if you find it) is a good choice.
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Noticed the "NEW" above the logo?

    The card with NEW isn't compatible with the firmware from any site related.

    Do you still have the box?

    I got a card without NEW and 1.34 works just fine.
  10. wearebirds

    wearebirds Member

    I have a R4SHC with the "NEW" on the box, and it runs 1.34 from r4sdhc.com(though I'm using 1.32).
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Maybe snebbers' card has just an internal error...
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    Forget what I said.

    Snebbers, are your contacts green or yellow?

    If yellow, download above.
    If green, download below.
  12. voldemont

    voldemont Active Member

    So whats the real r4 website ?? and have you guys heard of the r4 sdhc v2.10t, is that any good or another clone??
  13. squishyman

    squishyman Active Member

    Either get a real R4 and download R4 wood or get a Acekard2i. I have a R4 SDHC from R4SDHC.com and the firmware cannot play new games. The firmware won't even run new patched games correctly. I am hugely disappointed in my product.
  14. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Like I already said, you are doing something epicly wrong.
  15. squishyman

    squishyman Active Member

    I'm concerned by your comment. I have installed the 1.34 firmware onto my card. I can run the games in both pandora or normally. The problem is that the prepatched roms and the roms that I patch my self still work as though they have never been patched. SMT: ST freezes and doesn't save properly. Heart gold and soul silver still get the black screen of death after character creation. I have tried downgrading my firmware to 1.32 and using ys menu as well. These games simply do not work on my card.
  16. vilneamo

    vilneamo Active Member

    Same thing here mate
  17. squishyman

    squishyman Active Member

    I understand now, he made his own kernel for the R4 SDHC. Problem is I still think that another card is by far a better option. I do think he deserves credit for helping many people with the AP issues though.
  18. fikri

    fikri Active Member

    you can't have both pandora and ysmenu in your microSD at the same time

    by the way, for those of you who are thinking about buying an acekard or a cyclo, don't
    use firmware 1.32, go to this link http://filetrip.net/g25122862-Unofficial-R4YSauto-DSTT-v1-17-.html ,download the R4YSauto, follow the steps there, and enjoy

    (Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing works, haven't tried Sonic Collection yet, but supposedly it works. You still have to use rudolph's patch for HG/SS though and SMT:SJ still doesn't work)

    and on a side note, Wood R4 have already been tweaked to work on R4SDHC although you still can't save with it so you might want to reconsider buying an acekard or a cyclo

    supposedly there's a fix for SMT:SJ although i haven't tried it yet
  19. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    They do on mine. Maybe because I have my patched kernel, but...
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  20. cherjohn

    cherjohn Member

    I have this card and it works great. I have 1.34 installed on it and it works great. Barabie & 3 Musk., the new avatar game also works. It will also run the R4i 204 version of the software. I have only came across a few games that didn't work, and it's compatable with larger micro sd cards.

    For version 1.34 to work you need "TTMENU.SYS" in the root of card, all the ysmenu files need to be in the system folder, and a folder called "_Patch needs to be in root of card. I run 1.25 then load the pandora patch to get the newer games to work.