Hamsters are alright... My friend kept one. He accidentally killed it by feeding it too much. Also.. How about fish?
Camel spiders were in iraq, horrible things, ive got a video somewhere of one we caught. get a kitten, when you cant be bothered with it anymore it can look after itself
Well, from my own experience, I'd say chihuahua, if raised properly (and by that I mean it won't crap all over the place), is even less problematic to take care of than mice/rat/hamsters. You don't even need to clean the cage, just take it on a short walk three times a day. Only big issue is, it's really noisy... Problem with cats is, they may go away and never come back... especially when you live in a big city.
I live in a big city and my cat has never been gone for more than a few hours He just turned 1 he's great, caught his first pigeon the other day i was real proud of him
My neighbour's loved 11 years old cat just got killed by dog recently. And it was on it's way home... And my aunt's black cat (which I gave her...) just didn't return home one day. Roadkill, I guess. Cities are dangerous for kittens...
Well, like I said, I can't get a dog or a cat, but I like rats or a canary, so I will maybe get one of those
I suggest a turtle. If you get fed up with it, you can always sell it to a chinese restaurant. Also, it will outlive you, so you wont feel the pain of a pet's death.
Yeah, but I didn't know the name in English, so I didn't mentioned it Now I know a budgie is a grasparkiet ;D Would be nice to let it fly through my room..... ^^ They're so cute ^^ Post Merge: [time]1277734945[/time] I can't play with turtles :
That's why we don't let the cat outside... I also know them like that And it is nice to irritate your mom : especially when she's cooking