Statistically speaking, the number of retarded 13 year olds is proportionally greater than the number of retarded teenagers.
For me, 13 is teen or early-teen. FOR ME. As a 13 year old tends to have a crush. Crush in my opinion is a sign, a big one that a child is starting to become a teen. 13 is also the age a person starting to be EMO or have a bit of EMO behavior. I've never heard about a 2 year old having a crush on somebody else or 2 year old EMO . That is why i do not consider such age as teen years.
What about tweenty? Or tweenty one, tweenty two, tweenty three, tweenty four, tweenty five, tweenty six, tweenty seven, tweenty eight, and tweenty nine? My avatar, get out.
and how do you know here everyone here is an emo ...... or acts like one is a fashion trend and why do you have to criticize the age group? let them be there own age they are just growing up.
I have a tumultuous relationship with a lot of 13-year old. Care to know? I judge an online persona age by his/her avatar. The properties of his/her avatar can be attributed to his behavior and physical properties.
yha and people ask why are they taken down. this is why. WE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE DS ROMS ON THIS SITE!!!!!!!!!!! seph said him self that he had them up there so that people could try the game and if they like it then they would buy it. and it was a good idea. but most of us (even me) did not go out to buy the game. if they game was to much money or if it was not worth the price we still took advantage of the site. for me. yha it is a bumer that the ds roms are gone. but it not life and death for me. it was bound to happen. besides there are sites out there that you can go to and download them. ( i know one but can not say for 2 thing. 1 rules and 2 if other people find out then the wrong people might find it) so all in alll.... QUITE THE WHINEING AND COMPLANING IIF YOU WANT TO BLAME ANY ONE BLAME YOUR SELF FOR NOT GOING OUT AND BUYING THE GAME. DO NOT BLAME THE SITE DO NOT BLAME SEPH BLAME YOUR SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whether or not anyone took advantage of the DS ROMs, it would definitely get removed anyway. It's illegal in itself to allow this stuff to be downloaded freely. So even if there were nobody downloading, it's still illegal.
You gotta admit, RomU was the BEST source for NDS roms, hands down. I guess that was a double edged sword in retrospect...
Rubbish, I'm old enough to be a dad yet my avatar and behavior could make one think I'm a violent 14yr. I met kids at 12 smarter than me, not hard but behavioral wise they made me mistake them for 40.
you must really hate yourself...because you're acting like a 13 year old right now...and kinda like a pedophile