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a question for MMORPG players.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by XD9999, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    yup, and im one of them. somehow i dont feel comfortable playing a female avatar. makes me feel really strange, especially when noobs come and say "ate....atteeeee....pa kiss"(translation: ate means big sister in tagalog, pa kiss = can i have a kiss). It just creeps me out. Is this normal or am i a bit gullible?
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    just now, I got a level 39 epic druid staff (not class specific) and 10g just for being nice and walking someone through all there is to know about how druids work.

    I was playing on my male tauren druid, Morecowbell.

    Just goes to show it's nice to be nice to the nice.
  3. mrfatso

    mrfatso Well-Known Member

    i sometimes create a female character as well, but guess i was unlucky, no freebies, but still whenever i see someone in trouble, whether they are female or male, i still help them out, but i guess i am much more kinder to females i guess, seeing as i don't know...they seem friendlier then male avatars that i had seen around in mmorpgs, so i tend to treat them much nicer as a result.
  4. CJneeds6characters

    CJneeds6characters Well-Known Member

    my brother always chooses females becuase yes people give them free stuff, and obviously if your a guy, girls aren't usually gona give you stuff because they usually aren't that desperate.

    I got a male as a characters but no problem if you play a female, I don't see a reason to fight over people giving you free stuff, but it is sexist so if you don't want this either play a male character or ignore them (also there are usually only minor but not huge effects if you play a diffrent gender hero, in the storyline or other npc parts of the game)

    also what game are most of you talking about, I'm guessing WoW, huh, I play guild wars.
  5. mrfatso

    mrfatso Well-Known Member

    ya, i think for most of the posters here, they are talking about wow, for me, it is maplestory, sorry for being lame :D
  6. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    I've actually played Runescape as a female character along with my girlfriend (at the time) on her female character.
    Some guy character hit on her, so I called her and told her to act like she liked him.
    Later, we staged a fight.
    She became his Runescape girlfriend (lol).

    And then I used her character for 3 weeks and milked him of about 2 mil.

    Additionally, a random guy gave me 1 mil because I said it was my birthday.

    I shit you not.
  7. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    and who said honesty is the best policy?
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    This reminds me of the time that I was ganking an alliance guy and he posted in the world chat that he is hiring someone to escort him through the contested areas (the barrens).

    Since I play on a free server that allows you to play both alliance and horde (since it's only one server, and not 30 different realms), I quickly logged on my ally (while still logged in as my horde. it's two accounts, the way I did it isn't all that important) and got hired as his escort.

    Kind of ironic.

    I really can't top that one that is quoted though. There's just no way to top that.

    Yesterday, I was given 10g just because I was on a level 10 alt and in stormwind.

    I was mailed 3 Arcanite Bars on my level 38 warrior, male character.

    So far, it's 50/50 on the gender and freebies.
  9. krazyyaj

    krazyyaj Well-Known Member

    well in guild wars.

    my main char is a guy. but in the market (where you sell stuff to people)

    i use a girl.

    reason being.

    1. you get free and sometimes more loot.
    2. they think you need help depending on how your armor looks so they give you stuff to upgrade ( i always use the most generic armor there is in the game)

    other reasons for playing girl chars

    1. if ever needed help, guys in town come right away (asuming that i need help which i don't usually need)
    2. guys tend to follow you and try to help you out while conversing.

    not long ago.

    i recieved about 72 platinum, 72,000 gold or in other games just 72,000 zennys/coins/etc. for just chatting with some desperate douche for like 10 min.
  10. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Goddamn. Give me 25k of that, my female monk needs a nice new set of Kurzick prot-specced armour to go with my shiny Chaos Gloves. =P

    I'll play girls on Guild Wars more than I do guys, but a lot of people do - most of my guild does and we take it for granted, probably because we go on Ventrilo a lot and know who is what. Mostly I like the look of the armour sets and/or the character models more than those of the male counterparts - the male Warrior in particular always, ALWAYS looks like a giant oaf. Having said that, my main PvP and PvE characters are both male.
  11. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    I have to say that 12sky2 is the only MMORPG that I don't have a female account on, the reason being people don't give chicks free gear, its pretty equal.

    Interesting RS story I remembered after reading elks post:
    This chick was "hitting on me" asking to marry me and give her cash and BS (probs a guy trying to get free stuff)
    I kept saying no and she kept following me
    Then later this other guy came up and wanted to marry the chick (yeah wtf...), So i said "brb then"
    came back with priest robes and my guthix book and married them, they then thanked me, walked off and she started asking the guy for cash.
    He latr whispered me "help", I just replied "she's your problem now ;)"

    Sorta like Blood Elves in WoW, have to be a female one or ya look retarded :p