it should be that guy who made the best game ever. so he will have money to make more best games. you know that guy, with the 2 arms, and legs, and 3 balls...
Another Catholic Pope (a.k.a. John F. Kennedy), who will eventually get assassinated by some nut job later on in the future. *Unlikely, but satisfying*
Not really. I have had that thought quite a few times. What is the purpose of the Senate? We have the House, why do we need the Senate? All i see they're good for is stopping everything the House can get approved.
maybe to replace the senate with people more efficient but we do need things like that or soon we'll have a king
Well, i would at least like to see the Filibuster get done with. But really, abolishing the Senate is not the end of Democracy. We still have the House, the Judiciary and the POTUS. I just don't see how states with but a few people should have as much say as states with triple or more of their numbers. I think the House alone would do a better job. We would still have the president and the court to check on them.
Politicians are like broken airconditioners. They make a lot of noise but don't actually do anything. I rest my case.