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5th Generation of the Pokemon.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by maxmahito, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    another type of sheep... isn't that ridiculous. i'm not much into that branch-off form. i like ampharos as it is, well aside from the tail, i think they also have the faces in common. he's my favorite until luxray came out =P
  2. grimreaper26

    grimreaper26 Well-Known Member

    maybe the branch-off of mareep would have horns and it would look like well, a ram :p
  3. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    Yeah well.
    Screw the "anime".
    If you want to call that 10 year old's cartoon an "anime".
    It should be what the game says, not the "anime".
    Seeing as how we all now which came first and what not.

    In the game, they're not so fantastic.
  4. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    Don`t forget shucle
  5. jaimyinthahouse

    jaimyinthahouse Well-Known Member

    ofcourse there will be another eevee evolution .. and i like to see another evolution of koffing or ekans:) and meowth;P
  6. samusaran115

    samusaran115 Well-Known Member

    A new type of pokemon, i.e: Fire, rock,grass, dragon.

    Maybe, like....dimensional type, or....warp type....Something cool.

    Is it that hard to imagine? From 1st gen to 2nd gen:
    Dark, Steel, insect (I think it was considered grass before), rock (Was ground)
    2nd to 3rd: Dragon....(one more,me thinks....)

    Why not?

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  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    What...the hell are you talking about?
    The only added types are Dark and Steel. Every other type has been there from the start.
    Bug has always been Bug, not Grass. And there are three Rock types that are not Ground in 1st Gen., Kabutops (and Kabuto), Omastar (and Omanyte), and Aerodactyl.
    Dragon has been there since the beginning, although there wasn't an actual Dragon super-effective move since Dragon Rage always dealt 40 damage.

    Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?