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3DS---worth buying??

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by avatar123, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Yes, because video game store employees know EVERYTHING there is to know about anime voice actors. The fact that it has writing from some guy on it isn't going to make it trade in for any more, they have policies they have to follow, some people might not want somebody else's writing on something they buy. If you want to make some coin off the thing, ebay is your friend.

    Is the 3DS worth it? At this point, no. The only worthwhile games are a remake, an overpriced mini-game, and Super Street Fighter IV.
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Good lord, everyone has different opinions

  3. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    You got some real defensiveness going on there, you a gamestop fanboy or something? I don't care about making coin off the damn thing, But seriously, its Silver Sharpie, the shit comes off if you RUB it too hard, a little Nail Polish remover and a napkin will take it off, [2 things they have in store. since they use the NPR to get kids names off the back of DSs before resale.] Now I took a cab up there and back, and that 25 bucks they were offering for it, that would JUST BARELY pay for the cab ride There and back. That's Like me asking you, "hey can you give me a ride to the store real quick?" Ad you responding with "Yea sure, if you give me your DSi" >_>; And it woukdnt bother me if the guy cited policy when he told me that, but no he stood there like a retard for a minute stammering over himself trying to think of what to say. And he didn't give it a valid reason, saying only that because of its "condition" it would be shipped off to their refurbishment place and be tore down for parts.
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Why didn't you bring up the kids name thing at gamespot?
  5. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Should have elaborated more. It sounded like you were pissed because you expected more money for something that was signed. Either way, just sell it on eBay, $25 is chump change, and since it has a signature, it might sell really well to some otaku or something.
  6. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    no pokemon, no sale....
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    People who bought it before Aug 12 will be pissed. So stupid, so stupid. They bought it, they judged if it was worth that price point at the time. Imo, Nintendo doesn't even really need to give out free Virtual console games to please people's stupid self-entitlement to their console, people will still complain about it too.

    Also Mario in November and Mario Kart in December, woo.
  9. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Yeah, its just a shame the general public won't get those 10 GBA games. Which happen to be some of the best GBA games there were.
  10. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    They will maybe get them, but the will likely pay like 8-10 bucks for one, seeing Link's awekening is €6,- here. And we will get them for free, also we get 10 free nes titels, which are also the best out there.
  11. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    I already have one, tho, I don't have those many games for it. Only 2: Street Fighters 4 and That Legend of Zelda game are the only two I have...Both game are kinda like, been there done that. I just wanted to see how they run on the system, basically.

    I was looking forward to Megaman Man Legend 3, but since it cancel (so, stupid) I guess its Paper Mario; which I AM gonna get and that other Mario game where Mario have the Raccon tail, they both look pretty sweet. I never really gotten the chance to play Super Mario Bros. 3, kinda before my time and I don't really like playing Retro Mario games over an emulator...Tried it and I sucked...REAL BAD.

    Oh and also, that Dead or Alive looked promising, it's gonna be strange with DOA game on Nintendo...Tho, the game woulda been more awesome if they included Samus as a playable character, tho...Oh, well, I think she in a stage where you can see her fighting in the background.

    Oh, and can't forget Mario Kart, I saw a trailer on Youtube where Mario was racing it Maple Treeway, looks like that course will be making a return to the game. I hope they put Royal Raceway from the 64 on there, they course was...Swooosh....