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[3DS] Professor Layton & Phoenix Wright Crossover Announced!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kamuikurou, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

  2. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    I think he means that NDS Star Force/Battle Network crossover that never got outside Japan. :-/
  3. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    OMFG cant wait for it Lol at luke eatimng Hot dog
  4. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    This won't come to the US, as tehuber already said.
    Capcom does not like the relatively mediocre sales that Phoenix Wright has received outside of Japan. I blame you guys :p
  5. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

  6. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Woops, sorry, I didn't see that. But you know, those comments won't help. They aren't making enough profits, despite the number of fans (I wonder why...).
  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Citation needed. Every Ace Attorney game to date has been released internationally, so there's clearly a large enough market. The real reason the comments won't help is because it's a marketing move made to generate hype as well as confirm the market potential.

    By the way, AA games are sold out everywhere I look. I wonder if that means nobody's buying them, hmm...
  8. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Actually, Capcom is disappointed by the 3+ million sales for the series so far. I rarely see an AA game anywhere, and my local gamestop rarely has any copies available.
  9. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Again, citation needed. Ever heard of supply and demand? Ace Attorney is a niche franchise without mass market (read: five year old kid) appeal, therefore only limited numbers are produced and distributed.

    This isn't even taking into account Professor Layton's fanbase, and I recall hearing that Level 5 intends on localising their games much faster nowadays.

    [quote author=/v/]
    Several sites have stated that Capcom said the game will not be localized for America and Europe. THIS IS FALSE. All that Capcom said was that the game is announced only for Japan so far, which is TRUE. Then they asked for people to comment on the Capcom blog to get the game come to America. This is most likely just to advertise. The game will very likely be localized, considering how popular both series are in the west.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    From what I know, Prof Layton is quite popular around here, and looking at sales records of the series, the first one racked up over and approx one million copies sold, while the rest of the games in NA have barely scratched half that.

    Considering that Capcom is making a Megaman Legends 3, that's solely being released because Capcom 'loves' the fans. I'm guaranteeing this game will be seeing North American shores (along with you Europeans too, you silly folk).

    It's quite too bad the adventure games of this generation sell so poorly, but they're so great. Hotel Dusk, Prof Layton, and Ace Attorney are excellent games. Regardless of their sales numbers, I kind of doubt that all companies releasing the games expect huge sales numbers. Like Uber said, they probably send out a limited number of copies, kind of like what Atlus does all the time.