THoD 0774 4696 3373 I have Street Fighter IV, Dead or Alive, Mario 3D Land and Sonic Generations. I plan on getting Animal Crossing and hopefully Super Smash Bros when they are released. If you add me, please let me know. Edit: I also have the free Zelda: Four Swords downloadable game.
Hello all! > i just opend my 3ds and found the letter system thingy! its actually pridy neat!! even more reason to hand out your 3ds codes! SO GIVE EM TO MEEEH! ill add everyone here i haven't added yet, add me to, its under my avatar
I think I sleep walked or something, because allmost all the people I registered were gone. Now I registered everyone again. For the people who don't have me my friendcode is in my signature.
Reminder on format for 3ds friend codes: Name: Shell Friend code 1633 - 4214 - 6644 Anything else is confusing and probably wont get you many friends ;D so please follow this format! and will be adding all you new guys who gave it correctly!
Name: iEpiclulzi (it is lower case i's btw) FC:2879-0375-6639 Please PM yours and also what online games I should get (Nintendogs+cats is next)
Friend Code: 4167-5315-0260 Name: Lam I've added all of you! Nice to meet you guys!^•^ Please add me back;D C u all!!
Hi everyone! Rie 5284 1677 3636 please pm me if you add me, so I can doublecheck that i've added you! thanks
Hello My name is Robert My friend code is 3652 1506 9412 I have added everyone listed here in the forum
Hey everyone! I know this is sort of a dated post, so please let me know if you've added me. Name: Noah Friend Code: 2664-2215-1965