Can't decide what's better just mentioned a few here (Ds games): All Pheonix Wright Series Star Wars Battlefront Elite Swadron & Republic Heroes Drawn to life 1& 2 Scribblenauts Worms Open Warfare 1 & 2 Prof. Leighton 1 & 2 Zelda Phantom Hourglass Metroid Prime Hunters (2 Player is awesome!!) and many more
For PS 3: Modern Warfare 2 Little Big Planet GTA (all on PS 3 i think there are only one or two) For DS: All Zelda Games Advanced Wars: Dual Strike All Pheonix Wright series All CoD (Call of Duty) games and many more
All time favourites: 1. Legend of Zelda - ocarina of time 2. Super smash brothers 3. Super Mario bros 3 For Ds however: 1. Fire emblem shadow dragon 2. Zelda the phantom hourglass 3. Naruto path of the ninja 2
Ive not played enough ds games to have 3 favourites but my all time favourites on other platforms would be FF7. (psx) Syphon filter. (psx) The secret of monkey island. (commodore amiga)
The first one WAS Final fantasy adventure on the gameboy and it was remade as sword of mana on the GBA
DS: 3. Zelda (Both) 2. Kirby (all) 1. Bleach (1&2) PSP: 3. Final Fantasy (all) 2. Gundam (all) 1 Bleach (all)
1.Professor Layton and the Curious Village 2.Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box 3.Phoenix Wright:Act Attorney
i beleave its the 5th game follows on from the apollo game where phoenix becomes and actor his first role is to act as an attorny
For random consoles : - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Suikoden 2 - Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped For DS : - The World Ends With You - KH 358/2 Days - Suikoden Tierkreis
All consoles: Oblivion (PC) GTA IV (360) AOE: III (PC) DS: Animal Crossing Super Mario 64 DS Pokemon Platinum And by the way, what is the release date for Heartgold/Soulsilver in English?
DS... 1.Pokemon Platinum 2.WWE Smackdow VS RAW 2010 (hate wrestling but good story) 3What's Cooking Jamie Oliver (good Cooking Game) Other Consoles... 1.Spyro Year Of The Dragon (PS) 2.CoD World at War (Wii) 3. Rise Of Nations (PC)