just dont fear death and you shall live a thousand lives........ we shall not go down like this! fight to win!
Hey, has anyone ever thought of what timezone they were talking about. I mean 4 am GMT is 8pm in pacific time and 5 am west central African time.
lol i dont think there is an exact time.... since probally i think i will be in equinox when everything is equal but you do have a point there
i think they are making a movie about this right? I think i saw the trailer saying "The Mayan have warn us...." or something like that. know when it will be release?
i do alittle researching..... and it been directed by the same director who directed Independence Day and The Day after Tomorrow..... i love both movies, so i'm going to watch it.....
its pretty awesome i saw the trailer a while ago, but back to the topic the world ending at that time, come on all we've worked for? gone downt he drain? just like that?
you know what's going to happen? here's what's going to happen We, humans, are going to completely destroy the Earth, thus leaving it for Mars, we're going to live on Mars for let's say, around 100 000 years and we're going to get extinct on Mars. After, let's say 4-5 billions of years, Earth completely regenerated, allowing once again life on it. Humans are then going to be able to populate it, and after hundreds of years of research, scientists are going to conclude that life was once possible on Mars, what they don't know is, that it was humans themselves that once lived there. So that's the story of mankind, an ENDLESS SUMMER, I mean an endless loop of extinction and creation.
so what ure saying is that..... we're on a second earth!?!?!?!? well thats what i think from your stuff you posted
w0w nice number! but as i was saying humans are going to destory this earth wether it is again...... we will do it..... unless we learn to unite......
no worries, we are going to destroy it, but we're still going to live on PS: did you get that subtle reference?
uhh nope, but do you think there is other life out there?? what if its just an illusion we're seeing?
awww damn, you dont watch The Melancholy Of Suzumiya Haruhi then I'm pretty sure that the human civilization is just an imagination of each human like you're probably just part of my mind and when I'll die, the world will end