yeah the future is only known by God there is no way human can decide his future we can only plan, but the God will decide
I fear death. I do not fear the end of a calendar, my calendars end all the time, the world has not ended. The world was also meant to end at 2000, can't remember why though.
Yeah, I saw that preview in the theater the other day... And I can think of several times when movies have lied to me
Nibiru is coming and can be seen. Nibiru IS Planet X. Please go to and please watch Something Wicked This Way Comes by AndrosEnigmaX. You will see Earth will still be here and so will some of mankind and womankind. However research by a certain Space Program has not decided to comment further on said *Planet X* and are hiding the fact that Nibiru is in our Orbit and has been for quite a long time.
If anything, the world should have ended June 6th of the year 2006. Every prediction of the apocolypse has been wrong so far. And even if it is meant to end in 2012, panic and despair will not save you.
The world will end someday that much is true. Nothing is eternal. Rather than worrying about the future we should focus on our present lives and make the best of it.
Not going to watch the movie, eh? Post Merge: [time]1249119809[/time] I sincerely hope so. I haven't finished GTA Chinatown Wars yet! Post Merge: [time]1249116669[/time] Wait, he says that the Mayans believed 2012 was the end of the world so that's why the calender ends at 2012. Then it says they don't know. lol Post Merge: [time]1249113108[/time] you sound like dan brown. Post Merge: [time]1249109727[/time] that's sarcasm...right? no offense but if it isn't then you're dumb or you watch documentaries.
This won't happen, it is all just a crock of horse shit that the media is using to scare the public. We (normal non-archeological/scientific) can't read the ancient mayan scrolls or anything, so how do we know that this just isn't made up by some twisted archeologist on meth?