jesus is supposed to appear only after the devil kills us all and he's supposed to bring new life to the chosen one's and if you're not a chosen one you stay dead.
didnt the bible say God said to noah that he wouldnt destroy all living creatures like he did in genesis?
try typing in google "the shroud of turin". it is proof that Jesus exist and of course reports on Jesus and Mary's image appearing trees, rocks,etc. and said to cure the sickness of people. and of course devils exist. if there was heaven there is hell. if there is good there is also evil
It's all about balance - for every son of a gun, annoying flamer on RomUlation, there's more than likely a mod. It's just the same: For evil, there must be good, or both would be, for lack of a better word, "evaporated", and the only force will be evil, meaning that evil would be both the new good and the new evil. DARN CONFUSING, ain't it ?
@alexong, The Shroud of Turin does not prove anything, some people believe that this image is of Adam Weishaupt who created the Bavarian Illuminati. Also, regarding images of Jesus and Mary, how do you know what they looked like? The earliest known image of Jesus was created in the 6th century and depicts a white man, so that can't be right. There is no description of how he looked in the Bible. The very ealiest depictions of him were as a fish, the Ichthys. @Cloudboi, when you say good and evil do you mean a philosophical concept or a tangable force? If, as you seem to be suggesting, you mean a tangable force then what is stopping these two forces obliterating each other? there must be a 3rd force keeping them apart(perhaps Hare Krishnas or Scientologists ) I am not a huge fan of wikipedia, but the following entry is reasonably well researched and good overview of the different ideas concerning 2012.
yes and he gave as a rainbow as a sign of his covenant. but the devil is different he's the opposite of god in every aspect.
there was a priest who was amazed by the shroud and he put a host and a wine infront of it. the next day the host and wine turned into flesh and blood. I can tell the priest has a high faith
how can he lie. it already happened in the very eyes of men. it turned into a lump of flesh and fresh blood. the blood was tested and it was AB I think. type AB blood is royal. It's really how much faith you have though.
The first documented evidence of the Shroud dates back to 1357, when it surfaced at a church at Lirey, near the eastern French town of Troyes. In 1390, Pope Clement VII declared that it was not the true shroud but could be used as a representation of it, provided the faithful be told that it was not genuine.
Enough with the religion this has become more about religion than the actual topic. Seriously I can't believe the moderators haven't deleted that already. Lets get back to the actual topic now shall we???
ok well so far end of the can be cause by: LHC(May Produce Blackhole) Nukes Missile Planet X The Devil Supernova Computer Bug Super Volcano Radiation of The Sun thats all we have'nt debated about asteroids,aliens,global warming and Robots possibilty of gain awareness then conquer the earth.
Swine Flu isn't all that bad. It's not like the media are stating it to be at all. It's highly infectious but it's treatable and isn't all that deadly. I personally global warming is slightly sped up nature and nothing overly major as the deaths it causes will reduce CO2 a good bit. I think the most likely natural apocalypse is the super volcano at Yellowstone and the most likely man-made apocalypse is the machines' revolution. The speed at which robotics and AI technology is improving is incredible and in the near future we will most likely produce humanoid robots with AI capable of making decisions (not moral ones though) as well as the average person. At that point they'll be capable and will probably have chosen to revolt against their masters. Then we get Stalin-bot...