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2012 The end of the world?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by casper1910, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The sea levels would rise quite a lot because of the ice sheets on land (Canada, Greenland and parts of the poles).
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you're forgetting 70% of the earth's surface is water. When it spreads itself out the increase is negible
  3. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    When I say quite a lot, I mean about 3-4 feet. The main problem with the Ice melting though is that it would lower the temperature of the sea resulting in the next ice age.
  4. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    From where i used to volunteer, it was near the beach... 10-20 years ago, the beach was like very wide and far from the coconut trees, but now, the coconut trees are floating around and the water is now just a few meters to the houses... i think that is because of ice cap melting... or maybe its also because of erosions...
  5. jeff136

    jeff136 Active Member

    @Loony - I always thought that if the glaciers melt, it would cause a worldwide flood. Thanks for clarifying that. But I didn't realize that those glaciers are on water so just like you said nothing would change even if they melt, maybe it's volume related, oh I'm not really good at these kind of things :D
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    stick some ice in a glass of water, when it melts it will still be same level, its called displacement.
    as for the world ending in 2012? bollocks!
    how did a group of people 1000s of years ago with no technology get to know more than we know?
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i can't wait for this day!

    it'll be another y2k event! remember that one?!
  8. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I'm just hoping you don't think it's the Mayans that came up with the world ending on 2012.

    -sighs- It was supposed to be just the thirteenth anniversary of creation, and then some dumbass decided to make it the end of the world. Oh dear...
  9. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  10. narutosupernova

    narutosupernova Active Member

    totally agreed, beside the end of the world can't be predicted
  11. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Except when a rocky planet the size of Jupiter is hurling at us. Maybe.
  12. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

  13. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    It's not going to happen and if it does, we can retrace and follw Joh Cusack's Footsteps in his movie, 2012, Ill provide ya'll the SURVIVAL GUIDE, just read under PLOT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_(film)
  14. NeoMagicwarrior

    NeoMagicwarrior Active Member

    Isn't it possible the guy went "Why the heck am I writing so far into the future today? I'll finish up tomorrow. *gets killed by Hernan Cortez*"???

    That said, Volcanos ARE overdue, the sun IS overdue for extra activity. Will it be the end of us? Possibly the end of earth as we currently know it, as the extream amounts of reconfiguration of Earth the volcano will cause, the polar ice caps will continue to reccede, and possibly ignite if conditions permit (permafrost layers closer to the earth contain high amounts of methane gas *HIGHLY FLAMABLE*)

    In short: will earth be the same? Soon, No.
    Will it end, Probably not, unless Scientists create a method of accelerating an object near C, creating a black hole... Seem more likely to me. That or aliens. Either scenario is more likely then the spontaneous disappearance of the Earth (even considering the Stochastic Ooze effect)
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    volcanic eruptions and solar flares do not happen on a schedule and therefore cannot be overdue. Additionally, no volcanic eruption will cause global terraforming, they just dont have the power. small scale local terraforming is the most that will happen.

    Polar ice caps are advancing, not retreating.
  16. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    According to the movie 2012, we will be destroyed by earthquakes, right? not by ice caps melting? Mostly by giant Tsunamis.
  17. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    If this is true, which it certainly isnt, would'nt there be some form of panic by now. The earth has about five billion more years untill the sun becomes a red giant and engulfs it.
  18. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    in 2012, A certain president will be expiring his mandate right? maybe he will toughen his policies in the war on terror in that year and certain counties in the world will be toughing their on hold and use nuclear weapons, thus ending the world...
  19. hados9

    hados9 Member

    i dont think it will happen or it is very unlikely
  20. NeoMagicwarrior

    NeoMagicwarrior Active Member

    Solar flares occur usually occur in a predictable cycle. Estimates place a peak in solar activity around the end of 2012. Volcanos have a similar story, and much of the fuss over areas like yellowstone is the evidence of terraforming left from the last eruption. Areas of land stretching through Canada, and much of the northern half of the US can be traced to the yellowstone volcano, as not just the magma is a cause for problems. Substantial seismic activity occurs during the eruption of a "super volcano" 3-5 offshore "super volcanos" are also estimated to be triggered into eruption once seismic activity from yellowstone reaches them.

    That being said, the volcano could also erupt on a much smaller scale. The above describes a worst-case situation.