just because somone made a movie out of it doesn't mean it's true. The person that made the movie 2012 might have been fooled but i won't be.
The irony in the matter being that the only people who CAN be proved wrong are the ones who say the world is gonna end. If it DOES end nobodys gonna be around to realise the people saying it won't were wrong anyway
I don't know if Microsoft covers Apocalyptic damage... Not just the very year, apparently it's the very day: Dec 21st 2012... Load of bull if you ask me, great thriller story though...
Microsoft will live still. Bill Gates has an Apocalyptic Bunker in his back yard. With space for all the shareholders..
i don't believe that, the world won't end in 2012. well, you may don't believe it and that won't interest you, but in our Quran, the end of the world signs or (Doomsday signs) are mentioned. there are Smalls and Bigs (Past,Present and Future): who like to check them, can see them here: http://www.ilkvahiy.net/holy-quran/signs-doomsday-quran-27617/ === it may be a big disaster to humanity but it will not end of the Life (world)
No offence meant to your religious beliefs, but I think any of those doomsday predictions in any holy book are just so much hot air.
the bible contains doomsday predictions as well, thats more or less what the book of relevations is all about.
Alot of those predictions are either vague, or a well educated guesses, such as the one involving Wine and Sex.
i really didn't know that, but i thought since everybody think is 2012 the end of the war, i think there nothing mentioned that in your Holy Books. it's just a point of view
Norse mythology is pretty unique amongst other religions, seeing as their gods can actually die. Seeing as the culture has its roots in an arctic wasteland, it's no wonder that their "end of days" myth is so nihilistic. Say, is Inuit mythology as nihilistic?
And yet their end of the world is a final battle between good and evil, (called Ragnarok), much like the one in the bible.
is 4 hourseman of the apocalypse, christianity version of the end of the world? or it is the one they call jesus 2nd coming?
Not all Christians believe in Rapture, or where Jesus comes and all the believers are beamed up into heaven. Also... does Greek mythology have an "end of days" too? I took a mythology course but it didn't really delve much into that sort of thing.
IIRC the greek mythsaid that Zeus is destiny to be overthrow by his son just like he overthrow his father, and his father overthrow this grandfather. That kindda sound like the end of the world.