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2012 The end of the world?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by casper1910, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It was removed because religious exhortation isn't appreciated here.
  2. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    Religious exhortation ?
  3. Voldnesis

    Voldnesis Member

    And yet... OTHER people can talk about the same thing but not me? Why?

    Thats wrong and your rules are seriously flawed and need to be re-done by a more intelligent person who doesn't get offended so easily like a 5 y/o on down syndrome. I was just stating an opinion just like everyone else. End of.
  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider


    I'm sure you can put 2 and 2 together and make 4(or 22 if prefer)

    @Voldnesis: I can't really make an accurate call since I personally didn't see the post but you're not helping your case by insulting him. That'll just make things worse.
  5. Voldnesis

    Voldnesis Member

    It wasn't anything like that, this guy decided to enforce a rule that he should have enforced upon EVERYONE else who posted in this thread but he only targetted me...as if I don't belong... and thats something I do not tolerate. He didn't give me a single warning or told me that he was going to delete it...he just did, why because I'm unimportant, right?

    Well, I know for one thing, I'm tired of people like you Loonylion, people who only see in black and white with no shades of gray, people who are too dense to understand true motive and nit-pick through everything (the silly and small things) like a little girl in elementary school, people who don't allow others any chances to make a name for themselves, people who discard others as useless or worthless or by judging them and the only judging you come up with is pure negativity! Thats all I've gotten from you so far. This whole world is screwed up, and I can't help but feel that people like you make it worse for others. Lighten up, you sound way too stuck up for your own good. The motive behind the post was entirely meant to be an opinion with a little empathsis on trying to get the word out that the end of the world may not be just a figment of ones imagination that was only made up... it doesn't null the brunt of the posts motive and definately doesn't warrant you deleting my post....

    This is somewhat of an emotional outcry because you people disguist me. I just joined here as of recent and this is how I am treated? Look all I'm trying to say here is give me more credit...
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    EVERYONE who posts religious stuff here has it deleted. There are two threads regarding religion in the debates section, those are left over from before we banned religion as a topic of posts; and funnily enough the reason we banned it was because of Christians pushing their beliefs in other people's faces. People have a right to their beliefs, but what never seems to get considered is that people also have a right not to have someone else's religion pushed in their face. I'm not saying Christianity is the only religion guilty of that, it isn't, but in my experience it is one of the biggest culprits. We originally allowed discussion of religion because we felt it would be beneficial for people to present their beliefs to further other people's understanding of different viewpoints and to increase tolerance in a multicultural world. Sadly, some Christians decided to abuse that and began attacking people's beliefs, saying that Christianity is the only way, and even worse, suggesting people convert and saying that they would pray for the non-Christians in a condescending tone. People were rightly offended and we banned religious discussion as a result.

    Now, if your religious beliefs come into this topic, you start by saying, 'I believe that...' and you give your beliefs from a third person aspect. Remember you are not giving a lecture or a sermon, nor are you stating widely known facts, you are stating what you believe to be true; therefore you have to be mindful that not everyone believes that, and everyone has a right to believe something different to you. There is a difference between pushing your beliefs and laying them on the table for people to make up their own mind.

    This is exactly the kind of thing that caused us to ban religious discussion. There is no truth when it comes to religion, only what individuals (or groups) believe to be the truth, which naturally varies between individuals and groups. People behaving like Christianity is the one universal truth and sideling other religions caused a flame war on these boards in the past, and only ended when said Christians were permanently banned and all traces of their posts removed.

    Our rules are not flawed, and if you have to know they were written by two people, neither of whom get offended easily and are both highly intelligent. These people do, however, have a responsibility to protect the majority of our users from offence, and having seen what happens when religion comes into it from the wrong angle; and having had to deal with it. I'd rather it didn't happen again. You were singled out not for what you said, but for how you said it. Remember that when you are speaking to people on the internet, there is no body language nor facial expressions, therefore you have to be careful how you word things, to ensure they are interpreted as intended.

    You're tired of me after one post? I don't think it's me with the problem then. Seriously I don't judge people I've never met, and I'm not a negative person (except in some circumstances, none of which are relevant). I'm not saying I'm perfect, I'm far from perfect, but your statements are groundless and actually make you sound like the little girl. I give people more chances than Seph does, if it has to be said. Since I spent my entire childhood being considered useless and worthless, I would never do that to anyone else.

    The motive behind your post is irrelevant when I read it, all the information I have is what is in the post; if that does not make your motive completely clear then I have to make a judgement based on what is in front of me. If you had been here longer and had say 50 posts (ignoring ones in the games and jokes board) I would also have been able to factor your history into the judgement about whether or not it was intended to cause offence. As I said, all I had was your post, and from the content I determined it had significant potential to cause offence, whether intentional or not. In fact, had you not made a third post with no mention of religion in it, I would have assumed you were a troll, because that was all I had to go on.

    I try to be fair when moderating, but I probably do make mistakes as that is human nature. Regardless, mistakes don't warrant personal attacks.
  7. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    The link reider gave me didn't work. So I had to into my basement and look at my 5th bookshelf there to find a book on religious exhortation .
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  9. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    I know what exhortation means. my previous post wasn't sarcastic.

    You've made me feel like an imbecile now :'(
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    just proving there's easier ways than trying to find a book :p
  11. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    I 100% agree with loonylion about this issue. I myself am actually sick of people (mainly christians, because as loonylion said they are the biggest culprits in doing this, in both his and my experience) forcing religion onto people, and saying it's the truth, you are wrong and I am right. You don't know the truth because there are things in this world human kind will never know. Since when did this thread become about religion anyway? But putting this matter behind us now, because this is not what this thread is about.
  12. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Back on topic here, so IS 2012 the end of the world? probably NOT. :)
  13. Woolie1994

    Woolie1994 Well-Known Member

    0.o How did you found out about my plan...
    Nooooo.... nooooo.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    Now I must kill you all
    just kidding..
  14. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member


    this is how its bound to happen
  15. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member


    Perhaps you're not aware that religion itself sees things black and white as well. For instance, things that are declared 'good' and 'bad' by religion, ESPECIALLY on the gay issue (religion sees it as bad, right?)

    Also, the main problem with religion is that it makes a certain statement but rarely provides a good reason at all. Without reason, anything stated won't make sense at all.

    Back on topic, 2012 isn't necessarily the end of the world. We cannot predict or foretell the future accurately, and prophecies and or predictions made by the Mayan Calendar cannot help us in that aspect unless it is scientifically proven to be correct.

    By the way, remember when people went nuts about Y2k when the world was supposed to end in chaos back in 2000? Guess what, it didn't fucking happen, and those who prepared for the end of the world with bunkers and stocked supplies got laughed at in the end.
  16. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    Better safe than sorry I suppose heheh
  17. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    imthink there wil be on 2100 be a massive ice storm cause the weather is changing like whats happend with the dinosaurs
  18. Red_Manflame

    Red_Manflame Member

    just a random thought but what if we add a few hundred more boxes to this "allmighty callender" :-\
  19. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    In my own opinion, I think that the 2012 end of the world "rumor" will be exploited as a ploy to actually attack everyone at this given time. Imagine it, terrorists will seize the opportunity when they get their chance.

    Carpe Diem
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    there is a documentary posted on rlslog in the last few days about the debate on 2012 as the end of the world or the argument that it may also a new start/ moving in to a new/better age for humanity