It's all a goddamn lie. The Mayan Calendar just ended on December 21, 2012 and started again sometime later...
now im excited xD i wonder what it will be? hahaha im joking but seriously EVERYONE STOP BELIEVING IN A FICTIONAL MOVIE
From Wiki: Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the last day of the 13th b'ak'tun. But that is not the end of the Long Count because the 14th through 20th b'ak'tuns are still to come. Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization FAMSI, notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". She considers the portrayal of December 2012 as a doomsday or cosmic-shift event to be "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."[12] The 2009 science fiction apocalyptic disaster film 2012 is based on this belief.
You people are all misinterpreting the phrase "The end" It does not mean literally the end but yet a new age will rise fort
i think my favorite story is the summerian story of planet x/nibiru/baal/marduk/the planet of the crossing returning and dragging a bunch of stuff back with it from a previous collision with a planet they called Tiamat which was the fifth planet after mars(which they called something else but i dont remember what the name was) splits Tiamat in half. one half remained and reformed creating earth and the other half disperses and creates the asteroid belt. earth drifts from 5th place and goes to 3rd and actually catches our moon which was originally planet 3. anyway its supposed to return and drag lots of comets and other interstellar bodies with it and one will collide with earth. another interpretation is that planet x's return causes a pole shift/reversal and the earth resets 2 old ancient continents Lemuria and Atlantis. which while very VERY HIGHLY UNLIKELY its a neat ancient story full of aliens and giants and magic. Post Merge: [time]1261212534[/time] also on another note the real reason why the mayan calander reaching 13 b'ak'tun was important is that since the mayans are still celebrated astronomers that the end of 13 b'ak'tun signifies a celestial event occurring. now some people say its the alignment of the sun with the milkyway galaxy because there's a legend of the earth passing through a netherworld gateway (ala the milkyway's appearance in the sky) which will be IMMENSELY COOL if it does happen on that day thats an event that only happens this way once in several hundred thousand years, but even cooler that the mayans predicted galactic movement with that much precision, and since the netherworld usually gets stigmatized as BAD or EVIL we as humans fear the worst which is where we probably get this "end of the world". some astronomers believe it might also be a significant change in solar activity prediction. since mayans could observe and record hot periods and cold periods, hot years and cold years, hot decades and cold decades, if they aligned these times together they got a cycle which would be the mayan long calander which actually has lots of other parameters and notifications on other cycles connected to it like when to go to war, when to sacrifice and to which god, and what parts of the farmlands were most fertile. all based off of the stars in the sky. 13 b'ak'tun just happens to point to a particularly interesting time its just that nobody really knows if it holds true or not. as far as predictive measures go though, they didn't see that the Spaniards were just going to kill them all and steal all their gold so i'm not too sure how great their abilities to interpret their astrological data was but they got the math right and thats all that matters.
it will end when we have war with aliens which will take another 2-4 thousand years everyone shouldnt get their hopes up ;P we are dead by then except me ofcourse =3=
As i believe: I don't think there is any alien. If there is, they may just hide theirself until the end.
the other scary thing is that most apocalypse/end of the world legends, stories, myths etc all point to a relatively close period of time between dec. 21 2012 and dec. 2032 which is reaaaaally close in terms of celestial timelines. i even think theres an interpretation of a biblical passage (when i find it again ill post it) that points to a date in the 3030's but that guy seemed kinda crazy. I think it goes "a day in the kingdom of heaven (milkyway galaxy) is equal to 1000 years on earth" and if jesus was crucified and returned after "three days" (which is 3000 years) then the second coming of christ would be in the 3030's. thus leading us to the trials and tribulations period of the apocalypse. if we think in a metaphorical sense the crucifiction of christ might be the humans straying from his teachings and his resurrection might be our returning to his teachings. considering all the religious violence going on our returning to his teachings might be a very violent and destructive time potentially ending our world too.