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2010 Year of the Tiger [Zodiac Signs]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dragneon007, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    Hehe, I'm also a Tiger (23 years old now), & my son is due in late February, so he shall be a Tiger too! <3 And his poor dad is a Monkey, so he's especially stressed out by us. lol It's funny how we both fit our animals' descriptions perfectly too - & clash as much as they say Monkeys & Tigers do.


    These Tigers can be pretty picky when it comes to choosing a partner. They have an eye for detail that can cause them to be a little neurotic at times.

    Definitely neurotic. >_< And how funny, both the Tiger & Virgo have the sapphire as a stone. Which I love. <3 The color blue is my favorite, & I am a night owl like the horoscope says. Neato.
  2. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    Oh so we add our star sign too


    Charming and luxurious, although they like to spend money, Taurean Pigs are good with it. They are completely grounded and motivated workers.
  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    cool! Another tiger, and congrats on the baby tiger! haha but sadly I'm a bit jealous of you because you're having a baby in all, and i'm not even married haha maybe this year will be better for me. I mean my tiger discription has read me like a book, and like it says 2009 sucked for me, and I daubt it can get any worse for me.
    Anyway congrats!
  4. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    While in Hongkong, i just found out i'm a tiger, not a rabbit even though i was born in 1987, because i'm in january... if i was born after the lunar new year which is celebrated mostly in February, i'll be a rabbit...

    I need this year of the tiger... to destroy bad vibes during the last few years..especially last year which is the worst of all the years in my current life.
  5. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I agree last year sucked for me it was one of the worsed years for me.
    Awesome Kudos, so your kinda of a mix of both tiger and mostly rabit traits?
  6. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    The Goat

    Graceful and optimistic, kind and easy going, would describe a Goat personality. They can also be petulant and discontented, likely to throw the towel in at the beginning of a problem. They can be charming without revealing their true feelings. The Goat is very talented and imaginative and can turn his hand to most creative pursuits.

    Forecast for 2010
    The Goat likes balance and moderation in all areas of life and the Year of the Tiger will ensure that he discovers new aspects and strengths of himself he didn’t know he had! For the artistic and creative Goat, 2010 will bring offers, opportunities and encouragement, leading to new projects and job offers. If they can remain adaptable, open to change and focused, this year could have long lasting positive implications. Study and developing specialist skills is also highlighted for this year. For those wishing to change jobs or find employment, there may be many frustrating moments and it won’t be easy. But then, out of the blue, a job offer or an opportunity will present itself. Be ready! September to November will bring the best chances for work related success. May to September will have outstanding moments for making new, special friends and enjoying the company of loved ones. All Goats need to be aware that the Year of the Tiger is not the time for taking financial risks. If in doubt or worried, they need to be sure to get the advice of a professional.

    Interesting Goat Facts
    Zodiac Stone: Emerald
    Special Flower: Larkspur
    Best Hours: 1-3 pm
    Season: Summer
    Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue

    I call myself the goat :)
  7. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    The Rooster

    The Rooster is always popular, extravagant and creative.. They can be brutally honest and generally like being showered with attention. They are wonderfully loyal friends and also give advice freely – whether they are asked for it or not! Family means the world to the Rooster and they are fiercely loyal to those they care about.

    Forecast for 2010
    The Year of the Tiger will have mixed fortunes for the Rooster, but by staying calm, observant and flexible, the Rooster will glide through 2010 coming out much wiser, stronger and with great success behind him. He will be in much demand for his sage advice and experience and, at work, this will come to the notice of his employer. Many will also decide to go back to college this year or completely change the direction of their career. Travel features quite strongly with the Rooster seeking out adventure, fun and new places to visit. A word of caution: all Roosters must ensure that they don’t overdo things – exhaustion and a depleted immune system will result if proper rest isn’t taken. Home life will bring many joys and will be seen as a cosy sanctuary throughout the year. The Spring months and November and December will be excellent for intimate romantic encounters.. March and July to October will be the optimum time for making career decisions or to change jobs.

    Interesting Rooster Facts:
    Zodiac Stone: Citrine
    Special Flower: Aster
    Best Hours: 5-7 pm
    Season: Autumn
    Horoscope Colors: Orange, Green
  8. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    aww Chinese New Year this year is same with valentine's day :S
  9. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    ^ right, and that's february 14. happy cupid's day! =D
  10. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Me too!
  11. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the congrats. ^^ I can't believe it's coming up so soon, I'm so unprepared, gwaaah.

    I know what you mean about 2009 being a bummer - I got kicked out of where I was living, lost my job, found out the college program I was going to apply for this spring was canceled & had to spend every dime I had to move back from Florida to Hawaii since life just went to hell there. >_< Anything will be better than that mess, that's for sure. lol