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Zelda Spirit Tracks - Freezes at Papucha, Causes Nerdrage

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by blainemono, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. blainemono

    blainemono New Member

    I can't get past the talking-into-the-microphone sequences in Papucha Village with both village elder asking me if i am a boooooy and a girl asking me if she is cute. DS just doesn't seem to register my yells and when i try to leave their houses - the game freezes.

    What to do, oh please help me.

    I am playing the cracked Xenophobia release, the one with an ugly logo at the title screen, on the acekard2 with the latest firmware.
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I just blow at the microphone.

    But your game freezes when you try to leave,I've never had that though...

    Have you tried backing up your files and reformating your MicroSD?
  3. blahyblahy

    blahyblahy New Member

    talking to the elder is not required to continue in the game. i can't talk to her either so i got mad too. i went to a guide on gamefaqs and found out you don't need to talk to her to continue. just look up the zelda gungeon guide on gamefaqs. however since you can't talk to her or the girl asking if she's cute you can't get some extra goodies. however it won't stop you from beating the game. so basically you can continue the game without talking to her. you'll just miss out some goodies.
  4. blainemono

    blainemono New Member

    yeah, but i want those goodies! whatever they are.

    my guess is this is either flashcard or ripped ROM problem, soooo could you (i mean everyone who reads this) please write 1) whether you had problems with the mic or not, 2) what kind of rom you are using (mine's Xenophobia (U) cracked), 3) what kind of flashcard you are using (mine's acekard2)

    i do hope so much that this stuff can be avoided by just downloading another rom or something
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Did you tried what I suggest?
    Anyway I'm using Xenophobia cracked (U) ,R4 with YSmenu,and I have no problems at those parts.
  6. blainemono

    blainemono New Member

    yep, didn't help