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Zany & outrageous traditions & customs

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    This is where you can post any zany & outrageous customs that people in your location have.

    As an example, every December 15th at the University of the Philippines, an annual event is held known as the "Oblation Run", the Oblation is a statue at the University, which also serves as the University's varsity's mascot, of a naked man with arms held wide open & leaning towards the sun (you can google search about it for more info). This statue symbolizes the University's belief in "Academic Freedom", whatever that means, 'cause even we students don't quite get it.

    Basically, members of the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity streak, that is, they run naked , with only their faces covered, through the corridors of one of the University's Colleges, namely the Arts & Sciences building or AS as we call it. For chicks & Fags, this titilating scene may seem tantalizing but it has a much deeper meaning. Back in the 70's during the Marcos dictatorship, UP, was a haven for hippies & activists who detest the government. Apparently, on one occasion, members of the APO fraternity were caught, tortured & killed by Marcos's Military police, in retalliation meberes of the fraternity protested by streaking, then calling it "The Oblation Run", this then became a "trademark" if you may of the University & since became an annual event.

    they don't just streak like maniacs though, they carry pickets with phrases of protest on whatever issues are currently affecting both the University populace as well as issues plaguing our country as well. December 15 was the date when the poor fratmen were abducted & killed.However, as the days of dates in a year isn't constant, the Oblation Run sometimes happens before or after the 15th of December, especially if that day was a weekend.

    What's funny about this is during the past, lucky (or in this case un-lucky) girls were handed roses by the runners as a sign of admiration, maybe the dude is the girls man or the dude doesn't have the balls to propose to the chick so he uses the run as a suitable excuse. But only APO members are allowed to run & ONLY IF you don't have any recognizable marks on your body like a tatoo, and NO! I didn't participate in the run 'cause first I'm uber fat,say Wario fat, so that makes me easy to recognize & second, I ain't a member of APO I'm a member of Tau Gamma Phi Grand Triskelion, the BAddest, Kewlest & all time evil Fraternity of 'em all!!

    So back to my story, well in the recent years, the runners began handing flowers to Fags, which may come as a disgusting idea for most of us & I have to admit, this puzzles & worries me alot

    Youtube link showing the annual oblation run:
  2. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    we dont have any wierd or wonderful traditions here in nz. its all pretty basic, as we used to be a colony of britain, and we're only around 200 years old. the maori have given us some neat traditions though... we dig a big hole, fill it with steaming hot rocks, put food in, pour some water on it, cover with tarps and dirt and leave it for about 4 hours. its called a hangi (har-ngee for all you american language butcherers).

    we have christmas in the summer though, different to ll you norrtheners. we spend it at the beach or camping or at home with all the whanau (family) over a barbeque.

    and jeeze, thats about it. boring huh? one other thing though, in germany (im not sure whether there are any germans on this forum) on their first day of school, they get this big, decorated cardboard cone made by their parents filled with lollies and stationery to help them ease into school! cool huh? well, i thought it was cool.
  3. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    We eat potatoes, drink, fight and chase leprechauns...
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Hangi's are good aye Jadin! I agree with you about your comment on NZ tradition.
  5. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    We get gifts from an old man that has been dead for centuries and is a huge racist or just hires a lot of Mexicans....
  6. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    We have a tradition here in the Philippines where we go outside our homes and complain till the current president steps down because oh my god s/he's corrupt, then replace them with someone either more corrupt or idotic its called People Power ;D. Sad thing here is the people don't get that they're being manipulated by the elite to get rid of a president they don't desire anymore :p

    more fun stuff

    Eat Dogs
    Eat Cats
    Eat Duck Fetuses
    Eat Horses
    Eat Donkeys
    Eat Snakes
    Eat Lizards
    Eat Pig Brain as a Desert
    Eat Testicles of various animals as an aphrosdisiac
    Eat Frogs
    Eat Bird Spit <- yes if you're of asian heritage you know its true

    Yes, being Filipino and Chinese at the same time is fun.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Here're some images of how we celebrate the holy week in the Philippines


    Some Devout Catholics have themselves carry a cross just like our lord Jesus Christ, then later they let themselves be impaled on said cross.


    Palm sunday in the Philippines celebrated with palm leave wreaths


    And some devout have their backs flogged with blades as repentance for their sins


    A less torturous tradition is the "Pabasa" a public reading of the bible, read in versed form, sometimes lasting for days, depending on how long the chanters want to


    The "Salubong" or easter vigil is a prosession followed by a mass. It "re-enacts" the reunion of Mother Mary, usually portrayed in black with a veil on her face signifying her sadness for her son's death, and Jesus Christ who's just been ressurected. This "re-enactment" is celebrated in the early morning of Easter sunday, usually an elaborate "act" is done to remove Mother Mary's veil, when she is reunited with Christ.


    The "Sinakulo" or "Via Crucies" the way of the cross, is a theatrical re-enactment of the Last moments of Christ, leading to the Crucifition
  8. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I watched that stuff during Holy Week, sure was a waste of time, too many people, too much sun, too much sun burn, and we were far away rfom the stage...

    There was a drunk guy there he was waving to the crowd, and said peace signs... and was dancing...

    Don't go there, waste of time, you can't even see tyhem nail them onto teh cross
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The purpose of these traditions are of sacred values & NOT cultural oddities for you to gawk at & complain that you didn't enjoyed them because they're not to be enjoyed :p

    Oh & they're not a waste of my time either ???
  10. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    and nazareth too they go to the church and rush to touch the nazareth
  11. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    its the feast of the black nazarene not nazareth
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    And that's my birthdate January 9 1679!! ;D
  13. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    lol you guys call yourselves Kiwis.... tsk tsk....

    Maori (the native people of NZ) have many great traditions. The Hangi as mentioned is probably one of the best :p I love a good Hangi and was bought up on them as a good portion of my relatives are Maori. Also maybe not so great is the Tangi (funeral) which is usually 3-5 days of mourning and eating. There are many more customs including Tapu and Ranui and not to forget Markariki, the Maori new year.
  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    You should experience the Filipino funeral Almo, where else will find people merrily drinking & gambling alot with festive music all night long for 7 straight days, yup 7 straight days, no sleeping even.
  15. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    Panagbenga( flower festival) float parade

    Longest longganisa

    Watch these cheering competitions exclusive to our school

  16. iceredaph32

    iceredaph32 Well-Known Member

    seven days with only little sleep? thats gotta be hard
  17. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    actually very few families do these now a days because of poverty which they could not afford to fund seven days of these activities
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    If you're from the metro, that is the more developed urban areas, few families do this seven day mourning ceremony, but in the far flung rural areas, this is still observed
  19. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    ah cahos are studying in up diliman? in quezon city?
    and about the funeral its fun i have money many money cause we play some games where we bet and i alwas win :D
  20. iceredaph32

    iceredaph32 Well-Known Member

    what do you call these kind of cheering and how do you do it?
    Its amazing ;)