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your opinions about MUSISHI

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by MithridatisGR, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. MithridatisGR

    MithridatisGR Well-Known Member

    that's a rare one and i am thinking of watching it, has anybody seen it to tell me if it was nice?
  2. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    Overall, I thought it was a very interesting series. It's episodic (Which you may or may not like), but each episode has an extremely well thought storyline and reasonably well developed characters; and the fact that each episode has a unique case of how Mushi affect people's lives encourages you to keep on watching.

    The only character who appears in all of the episodes is Genki, who's story and personality are developed well throughout, although there are a few recurring characters as well. If you've ever watched House M.D. and enjoyed its pacing and style I'd recommend this for you as this series has the same sort of "design" to it, albeit being a bit slower paced and more relaxing.

    In short, I loved it and recommend that you watch it too.

    (P.S. I read in your other topic that you enjoy action/comedy; this... isn't exactly either of those, it contains a bit of comedy but nothing laugh out loud funny, and there isn't much action in it - apart from a few eps. involving exceptional Mushi. It's more a story of how the people both live and cooperate with the Mushi to survive and how Ginko helps these people through trouble caused by their lack of information concerning the Mushi; finding out more about these creatures is interesting in a "pokemon-ish" way, so if your into that you'd also like this.)

    It's like a metaphor for how we (IRL) must live alongside and help (and be helped) by nature.
  3. MithridatisGR

    MithridatisGR Well-Known Member

    omg, man . thank you very much. i'm definately gonna watch it. your answer was the most complete i ve ever seen, you even did research on me to give me advice. and yea, i am a great fun of pokemon and its not nice when you always watch silly scenes (like onepiece). a more serious anime (death note, code geass) is necessary sometimes to escape from the routine. ive just watched hitman reborn and had a big dose of foolness, so i need sth like this
  4. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    >Fan of Pokemon
    >Calls One Piece silly
    >Thinks Geass is a serious anime
    Boy you been living under a rock or somethin? One Piece is just about as serious if not more serious than Geass, hell Geass is almost a joke compared to it.
  5. MithridatisGR

    MithridatisGR Well-Known Member

    when i say serious i mean not with so many jokes in it... one piece was always my favourite anime anyway...