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Your Obsession...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by doughboy, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    So I would just like to know...
    Are there any people like me who are obsessed at times with cleanliness?
    Something similar or do you happen to have a ritualistic way of doing things?

    ex: tapping on something three times, if you step on something step on the opposite side (for good luck maybe)...
    I used to hate stepping on cracks when I was younger, i would also scratch my; nose, eyes and calves before I went to bed
    (fyi, I did not have fleas or crabs ::)).
    Recently though, I have been obsessing over cleanliness, in my room (things and stuff) mostly, nothing else...don't know why.
    Also I am starting to do the "asian shoe" thing with my roommate now...no its not a sex position.
    It is when you put your shoes at the doorway rather than walk to your room in them.
    I have recently found it gross after examineing what one steps on during a 2 day period.
    ex: bird poo, feces, dirt, gum, recently crushing cans for extra cash etc...
  2. Admiral_Lindsay

    Admiral_Lindsay Well-Known Member

    I'm obsessed with something but I don't want to say.
  3. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    I'm obesessed with sleeping, playing video games, filming everything and more stuff
  4. ChristMonkey95

    ChristMonkey95 Well-Known Member

    I've done the "asian shoe" thing since I was little. And for some reason, I'm obsessed with always having something in my hands. Walking around my house, I'll pick up random things without even realizing it. And then I put them down, again without realizing it, and it remains lost for days.
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

  6. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    (psychology) A type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, persistent, unwanted, and unpleasant thoughts (obsessions) or repetitive, purposeful, ritualistic behaviors that the person feels driven to perform (compulsions).

    Its only OCD,nothing to worry about
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I have ocd on some things but not others.
    For example, I dont care that theres 2 empty coffee cups with spillage, an empty glass and my lunch remains on my computer desk. However I do care that they are perfectly in line and the exact same distance from each other. Is that strange?
    My GF is obsessed with cleaning though, really bad over the top ocd.
  8. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    I have a deep admiration for the classical arts, so somewhat of a neoclassicist myself. Any of the ancient stuff found in history books is what I am interested in for the sake of getting my mind off the present.

    At this age, I have been looking at anime, manga, and totally 80's to 90's cartoons. Yeah I am obsessed with cartoons and whatever isn't too crappy.

    I am also obsessed with sugar and good ol' cow breast milk...more chocolate, please.
  9. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Computer keyboards for some reason, I like drool over a gaming keyboard just by looking at it and it's specs. Sleeping late and waking up late. Playing PC games such as CrossFire, DFO for at least 2 hours a day each. Going on Facebook for only 5 minutes or so. Going onto this Forum and others for half an hour a day. What else...
  10. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Earlier today I spoke harshly to my family members for eating their burgers upside-down.
  11. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    My obssession is Metal...I CANT STOP HEADBANGING loooool
  12. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    lol :p
  13. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I cannot stand it when people do not wash their hands after doing various things (coming from outside, cleaning a mess, etc)
    I'm also obsessed with dark chocolate.
  14. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    Spiking valuables into the ground, and volleyball.