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Your favourite boss battles?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Rysio, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    So, what are your favourite boss battles? The reasons to like them are up to you~

    Some of my favourites for now:

    - Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2 - long an epic, I also kinda liked Xemnas... this Sora bastard just had to ruin his dreams :p
    - this... huge evil ball in Okami o_o ...it had many forms...
    - big guys from God of War series - ...
    - Dracula & Death Duo in Castlevania Portrait of Ruin - this was the hardest boss fight in my life o_- I was so proud of myself after beating it xP
    - Mid Boss in Disgaea - well...
    - Laharl in Disgaea 2 (and 3) ::)
    - Ninetoes in Borderlands - just cause he has three balls :eek:
    - WereSkag Hank in Borderlands - after listening to his messages - the hat, lol
    - Dhoulmagus in Dragon Quest VIII - I was seriously underleveled when first battling him, this battle was looong and hard :p
    -Ninety Nine in Namco x Capcom - it sure was tough, but outnumbered :p

    ...and there are more but I don't remember right now :p
  2. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    being one who loves innovation, i loved what they did with the psycho mantis battle in MGS1.
  3. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Neo Granzon from the Bad ending of SRW4 (SNES)
    1 Hit KO your units,sexy.
  4. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    kingdom hearts 2 try beating sephiroth on hardest mode
  5. teserut

    teserut Guest

    The Core-Cave Story
    The first Assassin- IJI, Forgot its name, its not actually a hard fight, if you nuke it its a 1HITKO, but what the assassin says afterwards is funny =3
    Wallman- Castlevania OOE
    thats about it really, those are the most memorable and thus, my favourites
  6. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    - Any Boss Battles in DMC 3, aside from the giant Organ one.
    - MGS games Boss battles.
    - Xemnas's and Roxas's boss fight in KH 2/Final Mix +

    That's pretty easy, which reminds me..... Terra boss fight in KH 2 Final Mix +

    There are others I think....
  7. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Final Mix is jap only, isn' it?

    I loved Twilight Thorn in prologue of KH 2 ::) Battling Axel was fun too~
  8. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Japanese Subtitles, English VA.
    I got my hand on a pirated version of it here. ::)

    And yeah, Twilight Thorn is good, the first time the Reaction Command show it's power. ::)
  9. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I'd like there were more bosses like Thorn in this game... And Xemnas looks like Arthas (Lich King - Warcraft) on his throne ::)
  10. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Infinite Space. Act 2 Chapter 8. Yuri (Player Character) Vs. Niall Eremon (Royal Asshole). Playing the game throughout, following the storyline, this boss battle should be the final one, for it is full of emotion and vindication once you beat it, and truth be told, it is hard. Harder than the final boss, if I could say so myself. The BG music of the battle just brings all the emotions to life and makes you want to really make this guy bite space dust. Beautiful battle.
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Guy use cheat codes,since he has units you can't get :p
    Love this battle in OG2 for the GBA
    The boss was easy,but getting the battle masteries in order to fight this boss was a pain -.-
    I want to fight in EX Hard mode,but my catridge broke :(
  12. Chrischaan

    Chrischaan New Member

    of course Sephiroth in kh2,
    the 16th Colossus in Shadow of the Colossus,
    GLaDOS in Portal and Portal: Prelude,
    Bowser in Super Mario 64
    and Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2

    i think that are my absolutely favorites ::)
  13. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Tri Edge in .hack G.U. - the real one. Pretty epic if you ask me~
  14. paisios

    paisios Well-Known Member

    loz:link vs stallord.amazing fight
  15. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    Not an proper Boss Fight... But i loved the Chase-Persecution Part in Metal Gear Solid 3 almost at the end of the game... that part was truly epic, snake killing bastards at will with an unlimited machine-gun While EVA was riding the Jeep, all in Top Movie-Quality Scene.
    After that you have to beat Volgin though so in the end it is a boss battle...
  16. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Necro Giant in Painkiller.
  17. asuke-sama101

    asuke-sama101 Member

    The Metal Gear Ray battle in MGS4. You get to pilot REX!
  18. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    Batle against Melfice in Grandia 2 is great
  19. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    My favorite boss battle would yes, I'd have to go with Xenmas at KH2. I played it so many times it was fun. Most of the boss battles in KH2 were very entertaining. I just loved doing the combos and what not. Sephiroth in KH2 was fun, with all the strategy you had to do. There's a lot right now that I can't think of.

    I read a poster above and yes, the Metal Gear Ray battle was insanely fun.
  20. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    one in video it took me long time to beat him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM2S4EGzR5A