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Your fave DS homebrew app.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Almo, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Hey guys discuss your fave Ds homebrew apps here.

    ATM id say mine has to be beup. its msn for your DS, unfortunately the drawing feature doesnt work but oh well
    also the voice and picto chat clients are pretty cool.
  2. disturbiated

    disturbiated Guest

    My favorite homebrew would be World of Sand. so much fun. basically a falling sand game, kinda hard to explain.
    at the moment i haven't really tried many decent apps though.
  3. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    sand? sounds amusing.

    do you remember where you found it?

    personally, i love the drug dealer game based on the old web-game.
    (you buy and sell drugs in cities all over the US, and try to sell the most in 30 days)..

  4. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    lol i remember that game! i found a 'bubble wrap' game too but it doesnt work? would be cool if it did lol.
  5. myuusmeow

    myuusmeow Active Member

    DSDoom 1.1.2 edit build (Edited by Diddl or something) is awesome. Ultimate Doom+Doom II+Wolfendoom Original Missions+Wolfendoom Nocturnal Missions+Chex Quest is sheer greatness.
  6. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

  7. blastburnnn

    blastburnnn New Member

    Ive only got a few... i would say either the ipod thing or the DSOrganizer
  8. Rogeroty

    Rogeroty New Member

    I like DSOrganize and DSMPlayer!
  9. myuusmeow

    myuusmeow Active Member

    Edited build:
    Wolfendoom Mirror:
    To use Wolfendoom, download WinTex and merge the PWAD with the Doom II IWAD. Works great, but since deh files don't work, so some things are weird, ie dogs act like Lost Souls etc.
  10. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    Here are some I used as well, good stuff.



  11. Lol i just like to use the simple iPod App i think thats cool it will run your music (DUH!?)

  12. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    I'm playing Rise of the Triad right now... It's my only HB app... =(
  13. HardDisk

    HardDisk New Member

    BeUP, Bunjalloo, Colors, Diagnose, svsip.
  14. WiifanQQQ

    WiifanQQQ Member

    What Is This DSM Player? And Can I have A LINK (Tried Google and it didn't work!
  15. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    DSM player
  16. disturbiated

    disturbiated Guest

    sorry i couldn't get back sooner, here's a link if you still want it... couldn't find original site so i uploaded it.

  17. 94dan

    94dan Active Member

    What is DSMPlayer? What does it do?
  18. jzwilliams

    jzwilliams Member

    Can someone upload the Doom files with the PWAD and everything already prepacked and working. I cant for the life of me get Doom and Hexen to run.
  19. disturbiated

    disturbiated Guest

    On what? Flashcart or emulator?
  20. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    you need to rename the 'DOOM1.wad' file to 'doom.wad' , it must be all lower case, then put this into the root folder.
    If you wish to play doom2 then you need the doom2 wad file, this still needs to be named 'doom.wad'.