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Young drivers=getting dumber behind the wheel?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    After watching so many news stories, and from what I actually seen on the roads (many many close calls) it makes me think, are those of 18-25 getting dumber or what?

    While this is meant for fellow Australians, I'm sure this may apply to other countries...

    Why is it, that I see people speeding far to often, even by 5km's it's gonna hurt the person you crash into, drink driving...oh god WHY MUST PEOPLE DRINK!

    In Australia, your not allowed any alchol if your on your L's (leaner, need supervision), P's (able to drive on own but with restrictions, with a Red P class for newer P platers) the same, but full licensed drivers are allowed .05

    I say you shouldn't go near a drinker no matter what, and no one calls for the cab because "I only had a few to drinker"!

    Then mobile phones, far too often, it's a mobile being used for the idiot who almost rolls into the back of me at the traffic lights (causing me to unleash my anger management issues on them, normally it's me revving loudly, but I have gotten out of the car once...).

    These laws about it, bah what's $250 (from what I've been told) gonna do-$2000c would be a deterrent!

    And no exceptions-those hands free things still affect (reduced concentration).

    Hoon laws can't stop anyone (hoon=driving like it's a race track basically) because they can easily aquire another cheap v6 and put in cheap after market parts-plus it doesn't stop the mentallity, and most of the time they are not caught or given warnings!

    I myself am no exception, I speed before, but in the same stretch of road I got fined $150 for just 5kms over...the week before I went 15km's more (it was a 100 zone-I got curious at another car that went past...they were making out LOL and then speed off when I went along side to laugh).

    Now a days I avoid speeding, 5km's under limit (according to the speedo-so really 10 under) but I do accelerate fast (60km limit-about 15 seconds until I hit 5 below with foot planted XD).

    So instead of me listening to the news telling me about this so called study as to why we younger drivers do so, what's your opinion about why we go so fast, dis-regard the law and act like idiots?

    Mods-please move to debates or where ever this suits best.
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    people should also have to take a retest every 10 years or so, the worst drivers i see are the older people stuck in their ways.
    they learnt to drive before we had the volume of traffic on todays roads and are totally out of touch
  3. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    No. The restest should only be for people who speed, drift, and pump out their music in the middle of the night. Why do cars have a built-in radio?
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    They are just too confident, perhaps.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ah, the slower traffic on the roads is your aim?

    In some cases it's just the cars and the way they have to be driven (not in all cases).

    For example, my father drives a chrysler sigma (or the mitsubishi sigma depending on badging) that has no acceleration despite it being a 2ltr car (mine being a 1.8ltr) because of the age, foot down, takes a minute to reach 60kms.

    And the car he's working on is gonna be a shocker when it's done being restored, a ford popular with original motor will only go MAX 80kms.

    Still, the re-test is a nice idea, I heard they were considering a new plate system here for older drivers, though not much has happened since.

    And they'd pass it, the young ones know the laws, they just choose not to follow the chosen path like sane people because "its boring" (well if I was a young idiot...which i am at times :p )

    Built in radio was a luxury back in the old days, like CV radios in alot of standard cars (not just trucks and some 4wd cars like today).

    I like my music, I have it so I can hear the revs (being a manual car with no tacho-cheap mitsubishi design) and with an mp3 output mode...it's bad at times because I'm tempted to change songs while driving, and have missed the lights many times XD

    But those with really loud subs in cars...all I hear is your trunk going "THUMP THUMP" like someone is in the back trying to get out LOL (morons!)

    One way to put it, mister "I have an AE86" :p

    You would have pushed the car at some point I take it?
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    1 min to reach 60 lol

    mine does 0-60mph in abot 3.5s
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The engine is re-conditioned, and is a good work horse despite the rust.

    It pulls weight better than my car...the only problem with the car is the driver has an anger management issues (he nearly jumped out of the car and hit someone while driving once-he nearly got T-boned with the family including me in the car by another young moron!)
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    heres my car, aint updated this since 2004 so a bit out of date
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Heh, that's the kinda car I see driving by young morons XD

    I still admire it though :)
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we had a learner driver in this country recently who rolled the car over on their second lesson.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    When I was taking my P's test (for the first out of 3 times :( ) I was behind a learner who hit the curb...


    Plus I heard cases where the Learner has gone 100 over the limit, while the supervising driver was blind drunk...

    And a few other wacky stories.
  12. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    its quite scary now looking back to when i passed my test and realizing just how shit a driver i was, i passed with just 10 lessons so i thought i was good lol
    i was dangerous, shouldnt have been on the road, but now im just brilliant :)
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I reckon I was better when i first went onto my P plates, now I'm kinda erratic (every day-I nearly hit someone reversing).

    I have issues judging distances, I can't park between 2 cars and reverse parking is a hassle for me.

    My instructor thought I needed to focus on normal driving, but $200 on lessons later my father took me for some personal lessons, then convinced the instructor I was ready when I clearly wasn't.

    I passed the P's after 3 tries, first nearly hit a car when parking, second I stopped just over a line, on a red light (meant to continue on once you start to cross).

    Nearly lost it on third one, I didn't look behind me enough...but I kida begged to the guy ratng me saying my father would kill me if I failed again....

  14. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Yes, when I forgot to turn off the lights.
    P test at here is very easy to 'pass'.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Wait-what do you mean forgot?
  16. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I'd argue that all young people are getting dumber. So many kids now want to be the next Jordan or the next x-factor winner that they are not giving their education a chance.
  17. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Since I always back late at night, and feels very exhausted..
    you know what happen next..

    Too many drunken driver here past midnight.
    I Always heard the ambulance siren...