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You guys get any crazy dreams?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by personuser, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    I believe I had the most insane dream I've ever had last night.

    I was in a classroom with about 30 deadpan mute kids, and there was a Very curvy woman's body with a T. Rex's head on it.

    It started talking about history, gave a half-hour lesson, and then ate four of the kids.

    Then the disembodied head of king kong bounced around the room for an hour, making sounds you might hear coming from an Atari 2600, and after that I woke up.

    So, this leaves me to ask:

    1. If anything, what does this dream MEAN?
    2. Any of you guys ever dream crazy stuff like this?
  2. HpnotiQ43

    HpnotiQ43 Member

    I am a student of psychology, and I must say, interesting!

    1. According to the "Interpretation of Dreams", the 30 deadpan mute kids all resemble an aspect of your personality. This means that you realize you are not too bright and you see yourself as a "mute" in society. You are not very sociable and you don't talk much, because nobody listens to what you say. This could be attributed to not being very bright.

    The curvaceous woman's body obviously represents how you see your mother. It is quite clear to me, as well as every other respectable scholarly person, that this a strong indication that you want to have sex with your mother. The T-Rex symbolizes your dad's violent outrage and how you know he will proceed to beat you with a belt if he finds out.

    You spoke about history for quite a long time, because subconsciously you know what they did to children like you in history, after accepting your fate, you ate part of your personality, because you're obviously trying to hide who you really are.

    The disembodied head of King Kong bears no significance.

    Ultimately, this dream confirms that you want to bang your mother.

    2. No, you're the only one.
  3. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Hmm. Interesting.


    My IQ's 142 and

    My mom is mentally insane and constantly mutilates her face.

    Interesting translation though!
  4. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    yes one with zombies, thats as cool as ive gotten (im apparently one of the lucky ones)
    I felt like Ive had a similar conversation, like this before.
    oh, the lucid dream topic...
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No, it's natural that everyone wants to bang their mom. Read up Freud.
  6. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    My IQ is 254, If you challenge me on that, I'll make you go to the cornfield.
  7. HpnotiQ43

    HpnotiQ43 Member

    Oh really? My IQ contains the same numbers as yours, except mine is 241. Coincidence, right?

    Regardless of the fact I really am the smartest person to ever live, it is a known fact that Intelligence Quotient is not an accurate portrayal of intelligence. Therefore, you can take your probably inaccurate internet based IQ results somewhere else, considering, they mean nothing. To nobody. Just like you, which your dream obviously suggests.
  8. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Well, where do we begin?

    The carnivorous T-Rex is a symbol of masculinity as it draws parallels with the social behaviour of typical males. The teacher is a parent figure - nurturing and educating, playing a key role in the rearing of a child. As the body was female, the teacher therefore represents your mother. That she has a masculine symbol for a head represents the traditional belief that men are the head of a family.

    However, you have misgivings about this arrangement - the fact that the dinosaur head ate four of your classmates suggests that you worry about the impact abusive fathers may have on vulnerable children; perhaps even yourself. As HpnotiQ says, these mute children represent your perceived "muteness" in society - you see yourself as ultimately helpless, with no one to listen to your cries for help and nothing you can do but accept parental abuse.

    As for King Kong (did you mean Donkey Kong?) making Atari sounds, you've probably just been playing too many video games before you sleep. Read a book or something instead.

    By the way, this analysis was composed independently of HpnotiQ's. That we came to similar conclusions is indicative of our accuracy.
    Ironically, my IQ is 421.
  9. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Please don't make me explain with the 152 pictures she took when she tore a chunk of skin off of her nose.

    My IQ test was done in brick and mortar school in fifth grade by the head of the state gifted program.

    And I DO mean king kong. His disembodied head bouncing down the hallway was an odd childhood fear.

    This topic is becoming rather interesting.
  10. HpnotiQ43

    HpnotiQ43 Member

    It doesn't matter who does your IQ test, any respectable person in the psychological field, or anyone with a background in psychology will tell you straight up. IQ tests are not accurate. They are not an acceptable way to gauge intelligence, because not only are there different types of intelligence (As outlined by different theories of intelligence) but, because they are assumed to be culturally biased.

    Obviously, you are confused. The confusion of perceiving King Kong, when in fact the character is Donkey Kong is indicative of the fact that you question who you really are. You have a serious issue with being emotionally unstable and confused. This could be caused by recent self exploration (Perhaps you recently started masturbating) or perhaps you're actually in a critical mental crisis. This could be perceived that not only do you question who you are, but what you like. I believe this represents confusion about sexuality. This explains why your mother was in your dream as an object of affection, but with a masculine head.
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    IQ tests are terribly inaccurate before the age of 21 or 23 or something.
  12. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    and the topic creator strays from his topic...
  13. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Hm, no. It was definitely this head:


    I saw 30s kong a year before I got my first console, a SNES, and the fear was before my SNES and DKC too.

    So Iq is inaccurate, eh. Fair game. Your 241 is meaningless XD

    Hm, anyway back On Topic. Anyone else got weird dreams, etc.
  14. HpnotiQ43

    HpnotiQ43 Member

    Please note:

    OP did not argue the fact that he indeed wants to sleep with his mother, and fears his abusive father.
  15. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    true, but he does care about me. He's a little crazy himself tho.

    Pastafazool, I am a fool.

    I dont wanna sleep with crazy mam.
  16. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    You can't deny that you want to sleep with your mother forever.
  17. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    I'm really close to throwing up a pic of her...

    Believe me, she ain't curvy, she's 54 and insane.

    Who knows what the curvy body might mean.
  18. dblood

    dblood Well-Known Member

    i believe it means you are a shy person and the curvy woman is a woman you have a crush on but she is very cold and would turn you down in a second and the head well i think you like donkey kong :p
  19. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Off topic: we would need to see to judge...hey sounds like she gets allot of plastic surgery wrong, my point it, it starts looking bad after 1year so why do it.
    On topic:I had a dream I was being tortured, and I liked it :p
    It was really weird (and yes, I did watch horror movies all day before I went to sleep)
  20. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    You're a closet masochist. Nothing much else to say on the matter.