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Yo, Yo, Wassup

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Prototype, Feb 20, 2007.

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  1. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    Hey Yo, This is the first time bumping into yoursite, I gotta say this site really catched my eye, usually while Im looking for roms i just look in and then end up leaving the site 10 seconds later ;D it was really frustrating, but this site I gotta say is far one of the best sites I ever visited, plus you guys have a wide vaerity in game collections.

    Im a !!!GAMER!!! so Im verry picky bout games I play, but you guys gave a wide load of games that I love not just from the updated new games of this age but old school games that I useto play back when I was a kid. I read some of the post that you put up here and Im really shocked that you put up your site at 14, I mean wow......Seth you the Shiznit......ohh...sorry for the late introduction just got blowed away by your site, I say this is the #1 site I ever visited from the other bullshit sites Ive come across....

    The names Daniel, you can call me Prototype, Im 21 and still gaming at heart.....**coughttilIm60cought** ;D if you guys play Quake 3 Arena Quake 4 Arena Counter Strike, or FEAR, you peeps might know me as Prototype, Im pretty well know there, althought in some of does games I just usually keep my profile very low hehehehehe, Ive dome my share of trouble, ;D ;D ;D by the way any of you peeps play Infected for PSP online...... :p ;)
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome to RomUlation, We hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm afraid you won't get a welcome from Seph for a while, the lucky bastard has gone snowboarding somewhere. He'll be back next week, or maybe earlier if he runs out of money and the babes get bored of him (doesnt usually take long :p)
  3. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    WII I know the feeling, wish I was going snowboarding.......just feeling the cold breeze hitting your face while going down the hill, and thanks man....I already added this site to my favorites..............i like the idea of having points added every day.......pretty awesome man......althought Im pretty impatient bout downloading games so you might hear from me again....... ;D ;D (just kidding)...............
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ugh, snow :( we virtually never get any here and its too much for me. Thats one of the only things putting me off moving to Marathon :p

    On the other hand, if you were to pay my expenses to move to South or east Africa, I'd be there before this page had finished loading.

  5. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Heh...No snow...but we get all the coldness and wetness....its snow without the fun-ness and the whiteness... rain... ness...thats what its called... :-\ ...ness
  6. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    Hehehe....yeh no kidding, well basically I live here in california so we hardly get any snow unless you live up in the north were the montains are at......but still youd probably get fake snow thought WII ;D ;D, I only went snow boarding 2 times up in the field montains of california....Im no expert, remember everytime I went up there I was always on my ass...dunno why?...I wonder why ????..................lol WII its expensive but its worth it....... 8)
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