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Yggdra Union problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Classic-wolf, Nov 25, 2008.

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  1. Classic-wolf

    Classic-wolf Well-Known Member

    I couldn't find any topics that had this question, (goddess, 75 frackin' topics!?) so I decided to post. Sorry if I missed the topic that has this question in it. Thank you for your time

    I downloaded Yggdra union six different times in all different files and four different sites, abd when I went to play the first game I downloaded it gives me a black screen with a few horizontal parralell white lines on the bottom left and a small white square just above and to the right. Then all the other downloads gave me a horizontaly sliced veiw of the whole screen but only the top half shows up, and looks almost like it was printed and someone took scissors to it but kept them all lined up so you can semi-tell what it is, but no Title and when I pused a button it says: "Display tutorials?" and gives me another black screen afterwards. I've been playing games through emulation a while now(I have original metroid inmy offline computer! Along with the cartidge of course.) and so my guess is that my emulator doesn't work with Yggdra Union. I don't want to download any emulators that do the same thing, so please tell me a decent emulator that'll work. Here's what I use:

    Boycott Advance: v. 0.2.7

    Chris M.
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Try using visualboy advance instead. I never had any problems running the game in that.

  3. Classic-wolf

    Classic-wolf Well-Known Member

    Problem solved! Awesome! Thank you very much you Badass Freaking Overlord!
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